Ever kissed another man?


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
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How dare those posters give their ribs and holy-shits to those other pests and not me, I constantly think when I see young rascals
These fuckers will pay for not ribbing my Lucyposting, and for the things they have said about her!

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I was always apart of the “jock” or the “stoners” crew in school. That’s some fag shit brotherman. The gayest shit they ever did (I wasn’t apart of it) was run a 4 way on some broad. The nerds in school did that shit. That’s probably why I’m not funny.
I was the leader of a group of blacks and Spanish kids who literally did whatever I wanted. It was a really tough neighborhood so I had to cultivate a small army. It's annoying now cuz I thought they'd all be dead I have to hear thier problems all the time and shit. Super gay

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I was the leader of a group of blacks and Spanish kids who literally did whatever I wanted. It was a really tough neighborhood so I had to cultivate a small army. It's annoying now cuz I thought they'd all be dead I have to hear thier problems all the time and shit. Super gay
Glad I got out of that shit before I was a teenager. There’s a weird “spectrum” of masculinity where it becomes gay as hell. Hood ass dudes do gay shit all the time. There’s a lot of Nam’ vets who came back gay. If you call them out on it they get fucking pissed too. Now they’re just old closet queens who don’t want to admit it. Sad shit.
Glad I got out of that shit before I was a teenager. There’s a weird “spectrum” of masculinity where it becomes gay as hell. Hood ass dudes do gay shit all the time. There’s a lot of Nam’ vets who came back gay. If you call them out on it they get fucking pissed too. Now they’re just old closet queens who don’t want to admit it. Sad shit.
Dudeeeee so fucking right about that. Like there were hubs in my city where groups would hang out. By that I mean like houses with large groups of people. We weren't the toughest but there was so many of us that we didn't have too many issues. But half a mile away some of the toughest dudes were all at these three houses. One of the leaders (they became so niggerish that they got raided and are officially a gang now in the eyes of the law) - went to jail for shooting someone then got raped in jail then began fucking lady boys. All confirmed by my friend who was in there with him. Another one of them got exposed for being on grinder and cheating on his wife and 4 kids with this tiny gay man. (,He's 6'6 330 pounds),

There's more but yeah the more "masculine" the gayer things get. My dad's a nam vet but he just did heroin. Maybe he sucked a cock idk