Ever kissed another man?

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Is American high school really like those John Hughes movies?
Without going into too much detail, where I come from it was still pretty old school. There were a couple of fags, they didn’t get bullied, but they were shunned. To be fair, it was mostly because they were fucking annoying. To your point, yeah, there were an odd amount of “cliques”. Can’t say if that is true anymore/ other areas of America.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
There were a couple of fags, they didn’t get bullied, but they were shunned. To be fair, it was mostly because they were fucking annoying.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
American high school sounds like hell to me if you’re a weird dude like me.
I think, if you had a good sense of humor, could take a joke and dish it back, you’d do fine. I think this entire board has an archetype. We might be from different backgrounds and bull shit but, as long you can make people laugh, it doesn’t matter. I remember from high school I had a list in my mind of the kids I shouldn’t make fun of, solely because they would laugh at it. Which made it not fun. They wouldn’t play along, they wouldn’t get angry, they just laughed. Those kids never got fucked with.


I think, if you had a good sense of humor, could take a joke and dish it back, you’d do fine. I think this entire board has an archetype. We might be from different backgrounds and bull shit but, as long you can make people laugh, it doesn’t matter. I remember from high school I had a list in my mind of the kids I shouldn’t make fun of, solely because they would laugh at it. Which made it not fun. They wouldn’t play along, they wouldn’t get angry, they just laughed. Those kids never got fucked with.

Moral of the story, don’t be like Pat, lol.