Dopamine looks to be wearing off



He had a thread about la's subway. He visited for a weekend and is now an expert on the traffic system. Why didn't everyone just think of using the subway???!!!! BIG BRAIN 1.2 TIME

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There were some replies, that are now deleted, that were saying something like. "hey dipshit it doesn't go where you need it to, always breaks down, is never on time, and is too crowded. Maybe one weekend trip doesn't represent a daily commute. "
He is so fucking stupid it hurts. What does the appearance thing even mean? Most people who ride the metro are dirt poor, and once they can afford a personal vehicle they're right along with everyone else sitting in traffic. Pigbrain doesn't understand that people rather factor in traffic and still do things on their own time and have a sense of privacy/comfort, especially after working their ass all day. Let me rush to the metro, stand around, and then sit with a bunch of people with my shit in my hands instead of sitting in an air conditioned car listening to music or whatever I want to do.
Take the subway, dipshits.
Kill yourself, fat cunt.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
According to Pat Logic retweeting himself would make Rick... [Checks Notes] an attention hungry (he's fat) shit mitten.



For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Echoing everyone here, if this cunt had to spend his own HARD EARNED PAID CASH, he wouldn't spout this shit.

You do not understand budgeting or pricing when it comes to European travel, Porklinson. I'm very pro high speed rail - but it comes at a price.

Everything, and everyone, has a price.



For me? It's Colin Quinn!
Trains in Europe are good, but if you need them to commute every day they get very expensive.
Yeah, the days where my dad and couple thousand of his coworkers would get a COMP'D train ride every morning to melt steel or bolt machine guns to APC are gone, now it's mostly riding with one of your buddies or the office hiring a fella with a minivan.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
There should be high speed in this country, but only like four parts at most: Bos-Wash, the Texas Triangle, San Francisco-Los Angeles, and maybe a Great Lakes spur line. The Bos-Wash corridor already has it technically, though it is a shame it's not near Jap or even French levels. But Fat is a fucking idiot if he thinks we should be building a new highspeed intercontinental rail system from Boston to San Francisco. Pat brushes off how big America is, "I know". No, you don't, you fat fucking dummy. The distance from Moscow to Madrid is less than the distance from Boston to San Francisco. All of Great Britain is smaller than Colorado, California is bigger than Italy, and Texas is larger than France. Lake Michigan alone is bigger than Israel, and the bottom of it would make a much better home for world Jewry.


Stand Alone Fruit
According to Pat Logic retweeting himself would make Rick... [Checks Notes] an attention hungry (he's fat) shit mitten.

View attachment 53309
Tiny idiot child? No wonder he signed away his daughter he things kids are stupid and should be aborted because raising a kid is too much work that would get in the way of such fulfilling things like playing with Star Wars toys and day drinking.


Stand Alone Fruit
View attachment 53314

This is a man who didn't pay a cent of child support in his life, a man who went on a baseball trip while his daughter is facing an uncertain future. He should kill himself like immediately.
Where does a meal cost 40 bucks? Piggy you eat food from a shit bar. He’s not going to anyplace that has 40 dollar meals weekly, those places have a dress code and piggy doesn’t own any adult appropriate clothes.


As I write this, that tweet has 46,700 "likes" and a little over 9000 retweets. He gained around 300 followers from it. I'm not an expert, but for all that interaction that doesn't seem like an awfully big number. I wonder how many people liked the tweet, went to his timeline, and said "nah, I'll pass"? I'm betting a lot.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
As I write this, that tweet has 46,700 "likes" and a little over 9000 retweets. He gained around 300 followers from it. I'm not an expert, but for all that interaction that doesn't seem like an awfully big number. I wonder how many people liked the tweet, went to his timeline, and said "nah, I'll pass"? I'm betting a lot.
Wrong, little baby child.