Do you think Kevin Smith is still buddies with Anthony Cumia

I hate this guy so much.

How can someone over the course of 25 years make "art", and never progress to getting better when he started at such a low point to begin with? All the Indy boys grew: Linklater, Tarantino, even Gwin Turner went to writing full time and somehow adapted American Psycho.

This chode still makes the same movies with the same humor with the same tired actors and the same awful wife and kid who can't act. Christ, I wish he just stopped at Dogma.
His last "movie", that "Reboot" thing, was a piece of garbage that made everything he did before that look like Hitchcock in comparison. Apathetic "acting", laughably piss-poor dialog and the whole thing looked like he filmed it on his phone after he smoked too much weed. Just some shameful, shameful shit.