Do you know or are family with anyone famous?


Baron Von Rachske is my deceased father's cousin.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Apparently im related to this guy who got completely embarrassed by Tyson in 95’. My mom said Peter was a huge coke fiend and made almost 1 million dollars from that one fight and blew it all on whores and blow. She said the last she heard about him was about 15 years ago and he was doctor shopping with a dozen docs writing opioid and benzo scripts. Nice family legacy, stupid.

I watched that shit live. He was the mookiest mook of all time.
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Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Nah but deadass, I have heard firsthand from people that say Lynsi used to be lovin the crew forreal. Entire Wildwood Beach Patrol used to fuck her and double team her regularly in the late 90s-early 00s
Opester was no doubt slinging that massive cock of his a lil bit, lil bit back in upstate New York.
Gregg and Lynsi were living parallel lives.
It was inevitable they'd some day come together like atoms bouncing through space.
Just remembered one. Not a relation but Adam Devine's father was one of my dad's coworkers on the railroad. Went to his retirement party a couple years ago. They both were conductors on the CN line between Omaha and Chicago.
The great grandfather of my mother's side was also a conductor. Only difference is that he worked in Europe during the 30s and 40s in Germany and Poland. At the tail-end of second world war he migrated to Argentine. I remember being a little kid and asked him why he migrated, and he said because he transported these animals to camps and that he would get prosecuted for his attempt of "cleansing" Europe.


Dirty Bastard
My mums cousin is a Priest and is friends with Martin Sheen, they were both on TV scrounging for money to make a movie about some Saint about ten years ago.
My grandparents lived in the same street as James McAvoy.
Went to the same school as that Ashley Jenson who was in Ricky Gervais’s show, though not at the same time
Apparently im related to this guy who got completely embarrassed by Tyson in 95’. My mom said Peter was a huge coke fiend and made almost 1 million dollars from that one fight and blew it all on whores and blow. She said the last she heard about him was about 15 years ago and he was doctor shopping with a dozen docs writing opioid and benzo scripts. Nice family legacy, stupid.

And last...but not least...
