Do you know or are family with anyone famous?


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Apparently im related to this guy who got completely embarrassed by Tyson in 95’. My mom said Peter was a huge coke fiend and made almost 1 million dollars from that one fight and blew it all on whores and blow. She said the last she heard about him was about 15 years ago and he was doctor shopping with a dozen docs writing opioid and benzo scripts. Nice family legacy, stupid.



"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Boy would that be horrifying. What would my black friends think?
You're a good egg, Phish. On to the original topic, one of my cousins used to play for a pretty famous sports team about 15 years ago.

He was a dickhead before then, but tolerable. Unfortunately the money and fame went to his head pretty quickly and it wasn't long before we saw all the trappings of his new status manifest in pretty ugly ways. I've heard rumors of drugs and pretty odd sexual behavior. Not Norton level, but not far. The silver lining for himself is that there's also the obligatory McMansion and sports cars, alongside a revolving door of gold digging whores which I ignore if he ever gave any gold to. Due to him and his whole side of the family turning into insufferable human beings I stopped talking to all of them for over 10 years.

Read on.

Then a couple of years ago after not even thinking about the dude, I found out that apparently he has a baby mama who goes on Facebook Live pretty regularly doing streams talking about how my cousin is a deadbeat dad, never gives money for his child and apparently there was some domestic violence to top it all off. This dude is acting like a regular nigger inside white skin.

Anyhow, apparently his career went to the toilet after playing for that particular team and it's mostly due to his lack of emotional intelligence with management and his team mates. I thought he was only a dickhead to his family, turns out he was a dickhead in general.
I heard he retired a wealthy hipster in (I believe) Seattle. Is he a nice dude?
Steve is an amazing person. He currently resides in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He still works but it is true that after Blue's Clues he decided to go on a hiatus for a bit because of the things he witnessed when it comes to animal cruelty during the recording of that show. Apparently a lot of animal cruelty happened on that show. Blue had to sometimes work for 16 hours straight with no breaks in between.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Steve is an amazing person. He currently resides in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He still works but it is true that after Blue's Clues he decided to go on a hiatus for a bit because of the things he witnessed when it comes to animal cruelty during the recording of that show. Apparently a lot of animal cruelty happened on that show. Blue had to sometimes work for 16 hours straight with no breaks in between.
Glad to hear that he's a good person. Oh wait, you're pulling my leg aren't you? How does a cartoon dog get abused?

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
I know Mike a little bit, haven't seen him forever though. Friends/work with a drummer from a well known punk band. Handful of famousy musicians. Know some reality TV stars. Was babysat by an NFL player. Hung with Chuck Liddell a few times.


I know Josh Kraft on a first name basis and heard from him about a year ago asking how I was. His dad owns the New England Patriots but Josh decided to work for the Boys and Girls Club in the 90s and started in my crummy city. He actually has zero interest in ever running the team, even close to 30 years ago he stated plenty of times he never wanted to run the team after his dad.

He was able to get a few Patriots players to visit us and play flag football outside. It was the 90s Patriots, so they were not good at all, but still cool to have them engaging with us. I wish I could remember exactly who came. I remember sitting on the grass eating a ham and cheese sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil, right next to an NFL player eating the same tiny sandwiches and drinking a milk.

Josh Kraft is a real one.