Do we live in a failed state now?



And that’s what it’s all about, just getting votes which is why they’ve been indoctrinated kids at the youngest grades possible in hopes they will vote democrat when they can. They act like everyone can’t pay their student debts yet many have because they got good paying jobs with their education and understood taking out a loan. Now you’ve got millions of people who paid their debt without “forgiveness” and they get nothing. Mind you college prices continue to rise but no outrage over that.
Yeah i said this in another thread but thats basically me. I have been paying over the minimum the entire time, paid through the interest freezes that they had for pretty much all of covid and got it down to almost nothing before finding out about this. And so many on the left i see are saying that I should be happy that others are being pulled up and its selfish to even consider the fact that i am missing out on 10k. Of course, many of them are boomers who had their affordable education, affordable housing, and are sitting on SS that i am paying into but will never see returned. I dont disagree the loans are a bitch and the interest rates are fucked, but at the end of the day we all need to be responsible for the dotted lines we sign