Do we have a thread to make fun of dating app profiles?

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
Fuck, I missed the menorah. If she was non-Jew, she's the perfect slampig phenotype.

For the dudes on Hinge/Bumble, if you haven't fucked 3 chicks built exactly like this you're doing it wrong.
I dated a Jewess years ago before I was really aware of the JQ. I gotta be honest they’re good to be in a relationship with, their only interest is in pleasing you and they have some weird obsession with oral sex, I used to wake up during the night with a hard on and find her noshing on it like a matzo ball. She was built a lot like this other girl except a bit skinner and brunette. She wasn’t as pretty though and had a very protruding hooked Jew nose.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
One more and I'll stop
She doesn't fit in the screen


To be fair Robert Griffin III's parents were career military I believe. The guys who are my age and add Sr to their name make me laugh
I actually respect the kids who put Sr. on their jerseys - I take it as a not-so subtle jab at their non-fathers. As if to say, don't come sniffing around for money when I get drafted.

But the kids from Tumbleweed, Louisiana who grew up in a shed with 16 siblings and a crackhead diabetic mammy putting III on their jerseys is hilarious... Like their families came over on the Mayflower instead of a rickety Jew slave ship.
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