Do people who gain more and more weight just live in complete denial like Fatrick does?


Stand Alone Fruit
Didn't he write something about him and Niki marking days on a calendar and all that. He really did just give up after about a month, didn't he? Very fatly of him.
That was so he wouldn’t have to go in Jan when it’s busy with the New Year’s resolution crowd. That hiatus is still going. That or Lynne cut the gym membership since they were going to an expensive sports club gym with courts, a pool, and a sauna room.


Yes and no. I think most accept it but are in denial about exactly how much weight they’ve put on.

Any sane person makes a joke of it. “Well, I may have added a few pounds over the years” *hearty laugh*

What they don’t do is categorically deny it every single day for years and years as then squeeze into a red tshirt that says something about fascism and morph into a lesbian .


The Backbone of America
His tiny arms yet lumpy belly area always make me laugh.
Seriously, for his build, his arms are abnormally skinny. I feel like you'd have to work to make sure your arms stay so devoid of muscle. I know a bunch of fat guys with huge arms who don't work out. They just got big from doing day to day shit. Hey, Torque Wheeler, turning wrenches gets your forearms jacked, you should try it sometime.


Stand Alone Fruit
Seriously, for his build, his arms are abnormally skinny. I feel like you'd have to work to make sure your arms stay so devoid of muscle. I know a bunch of fat guys with huge arms who don't work out. They just got big from doing day to day shit. Hey, Torque Wheeler, turning wrenches gets your forearms jacked, you should try it sometime.
Same here - only time I see fat guys with skinny arms like Pat are guys with office jobs on the computer all day. Fat guys that at least do physical labor get some arm size at least. I’d pay to see piggy try to do some pull ups / tricep dips.


Yes and no. I think most accept it but are in denial about exactly how much weight they’ve put on.

Any sane person makes a joke of it. “Well, I may have added a few pounds over the years” *hearty laugh*

What they don’t do is categorically deny it every single day for years and years as then squeeze into a red tshirt that says something about fascism and morph into a lesbian .
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Haven't gained a pound and my hairline hasn't moved an inch, stlaker. I'm sorry you're so stupid- also, ✌️"aspect ratios."✌️


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
So, a quick share...

My weight started going up once I hit 50, and I was not happy about it. Gosia is a proponent of yoga and has been doing it for years, she credits it for her longevity and flexibility in dancing. Every morning she does it, even if we're on the road. She HAS to do it, she says.

So one day she surprised me with this DVD set called DDP Yoga. Thoughtful, because if she had asked me I would've done her yoga with her, but she said she researched it and felt I'd be more comfortable doing this.

Fuck if she wasn't right. I haven't done it in some time, but the first few years, it helped me immensely, and that's what got me focused on dieting again. I could look at myself naked and not go "you ugly Viking cunt."

SO TO LET ME BE BRIEF, I knew I was overweight. I never fooled myself and I didn't want to. To do so meant I'd stay complacent, and that was never an option for me. I had to find the right motivation, and my lovely lass directed me down the correct road.

Thank God I never looked like Pat though, because bloody hell, that Nonce is FAT.