"Diversity our Strength" is what they taught her:

Prince Bvstin

My new favorite thing is apparently Muslims are pro abortion. No idea where this came from. I’m assuming it’s because they aren’t as “vocal” as others. They throw fags off of buildings, what makes these retards think they’re ok with killing babies? Oh wait, they’re retarded.
The soul enters the body like 12 weeks after birth according to their lore. So they dun give a fuck.


Stand Alone Fruit
That would explain his chip on his shoulder. Mexicans don't use the word "colonizer" tbh.
He’s Native American yet was raised white and most likely from a well off family. It’s usually those types who act like this and yell “colonizer”

It’s like AOC how she makes it sound like her family was dirt poor and cleaning toilets yet lived in a nice area and father was an architect or something similar.


I'm pretty sure he was trolling her with that 'colonizer' stuff once she started spewing harmony/oppression nonsense. He figured out her SJW mindset and threw it back in her face, using her language. He probably kept his language clean because he saw they were being recorded. Pretty good troll job.


Stand Alone Fruit
I'm pretty sure he was trolling her with that 'colonizer' stuff once she started spewing harmony/oppression nonsense. He figured out her SJW mindset and threw it back in her face, using her language. He probably kept his language clean because he saw they were being recorded. Pretty good troll job.
That also stuck out, he made sure to not call her a cunt even though she was being a real big one.


It’s hilarious (and sad). I saw a “historian of the crusades” earlier this week on Twitter “dunking” on the non-PhD replies in his tweets. Of course, he’s a professor, white dude, “straight”, and an “ally”. He was going on and on about how it’s Christianity, not Islam, that is the most violent religion, etc. People would bring up the Islamic conquests in Spain, he’d just child them like Pat. Destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 1009? Shhhh, little baby child. That’s your islamiphonia and Christofascism showing. I shit you not.

Of course there’s a problem with the narrative of Reconquista in Spain, especially in that there was little occupation by either religion of a large part of the center of the country in the 9th and 10th century. However, these faggot professors like to fancy that this “reconquest” ideology is a symptom of (you guessed it) a resurgence in conservative politics. They conveniently forget to point out that the idea of “reconquest” was developed in medieval Spain, I think as early as the 10th C.

Simply mention the ottomans. I would love for anyone to explain away their violence and colonization.