Dan Mullen fired from Insight Software. Lawsuit incoming...


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor


The gunslinger.
Look at Platinum Dan with the LinkedIn Gold membership. Doesn't that mean Dan can see who views his profile?

Hopefully this funster was not using his real account.

He’s got a decent resume, tbchwy.

He will be on a high income, if he’s not actually fired.

Imagine throwing it all away, or risking it at least, to stream to a handful of freaks on YouTube.



No new podcast until July, what a worker...


I’m a huge Ray Wilson fan.

I think Ray Wilson might be a true American hero. I don’t say that lightly, I’m aware he’s English or something.
He's no John Parr. Look at him: American flag guitar even though he's from England. And did the theme for a Schwarzenegger movie. What soundtrack did Ray ever do? He'd be lucky to be the opening act for Joe Cue-mia on his cruise gigs.
