1. The Prime Minister is now openly saying, "hey look, you gotta do what's best for your health, consult your general practitioner, nobody made anyone take anything." This is, of course, after the "no jab, no job" bullshit from our states' premiers. What a fucking joke this country is (well, really, the whole world).
2. Basic supplements are now hard to acquire and/or way more expensive. For instance, I take boron (people should look up its health benefits, there's nothing to lose by taking it, only gain) and 100 days' worth costs $7 plus whatever the postage is, so usually I'd buy four at a time to save on postage. Now, either the postage is so obscenely expensive that it's not worth the order, or you pay like, $30 for 100 days.
Big Pharma is really trying to squeeze the life out of natural remedies. Nothing new, but this is disgusting.