Conservative Hate Thread


Fan of the Era
Its amazing that the Nazis managed to make their ideology so incomprehensible both sides have managed to use them as a boogie man for both parties. Like naturally you would think the Republican rallying cry against Liberals is “You’re a communist!” but somehow it’s “You’re a nazi!”.

The problem with Nazism is they designed it to appeal to everybody with the end goal being to corral everybody into the right wing, fascist goals of the party. Problem is you can’t brainwash everyone. So in the middle of your jew hating authoritarian party you also have genuine left wing communists / socialists. Then despite the goal of the party being the extermination of the jews, people that were too into killing them were seen as weirdos but people not into killing them were seen as weak. Both occupied the same party / ideology. And even though its ridiculous both parties call each other Nazis they’re slightly correct in that the party carried traits of both sides of the aisle.
Good God, Sue. Maybe find better sources and study for several weeks before 'educating' us on Hitler's regime and the silly extermination nonsense. This is near 'History Channel Ant' stuff. I'm puzzled by anyone here still perpetuating the jew propaganda. Even a little bit of it. Your still intact, delicious ears might depend on it.

Sue Lightning

Good God, Sue. Maybe find better sources and study for several weeks before 'educating' us on Hitler's regime and the silly extermination nonsense. This is near 'History Channel Ant' stuff. I'm puzzled by anyone here still perpetuating the jew propaganda. Even a little bit of it. Your still intact, delicious ears might depend on it.
You assume where i’m coming from. I’ll admit to not really being educated in this topic nor do I think i’m trying to educate others on it, just offering my harebrained opinion. But where my prospective comes from is growing up around neonazis. I’ve had to hear about the virtues of Hitler and Nazism for like the last 5 years. I’ve already seen shit like The Greatest Story Never Told and heard all about Hitlers plans for Israel.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I love when this douchebag "schools" college kids on basic lukewarm political takes. He's no different than Rogan: surrounding himself with stupid people to feel superior.
All that kid had to say was “Under your logic, every Black college fraternity is evil. Since there are no fraternities that are Whites only, this means Blacks are uniquely evil today.”

Watch Charlie try to squirm out of that. “But Whites can join”…really?? How do you know? Show me an example, etc.


Stand Alone Fruit
All that kid had to say was “Under your logic, every Black college fraternity is evil. Since there are no fraternities that are Whites only, this means Blacks are uniquely evil today.”

Watch Charlie try to squirm out of that. “But Whites can join”…really?? How do you know? Show me an example, etc.
I believe Shaun King was a member of black fraternity.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Looks like the new Antisemitism Awareness Act really backfired and even conservatives hate it. Oh wait, this isn't the kike hate thread....


Sue Lightning

Looks like the new Antisemitism Awareness Act really backfired and even conservatives hate it. Oh wait, this isn't the kike hate thread....

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The only reason they give a fuck is because saying the jews killed Christ would be covered under this bill. They literally give 0 fucks about the impacts it has to talking about the JQ or criticizing Israel. These faggots praised Desantis for his anti-woke bullshit but ignore him going to Israel to sign antisemitic bills that affect Floridians. They’re spineless cunts who only give a shit when someone takes away their toys. “You can’t criticize Israel? Good. Don’t you know they’re out greatest ally? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE TAKING AWAY MY ABILITY TO SAY JEWS KILLED CHRIST! THIS IS MY RELIGIOUS FREEDOM BIGOT!!”

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Like naturally you would think the Republican rallying cry against Liberals is “You’re a communist!” but somehow it’s “You’re a nazi!”
So so so so so you're saying that it's surprising the jewish owned political dichotomy isn't using the boogeyman term of jewish owned communism but instead anti-jewish nazism?


Sue Lightning

So so so so so you're saying that it's surprising the jewish owned political dichotomy isn't using the boogeyman term of jewish owned communism but instead anti-jewish nazism?

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Communism being jewish owned is a bit of an oversimplification. (I need to preface i’m not a communist). Sure Marx and Lenin were jews but Stalin and Mao weren’t. The concept of capitalism is inherently anti-jewish. When your entire belief centers around the working class (aka white men) overthrowing “the people in power” (jews) to give power back to the workers…that doesn’t sound very jewish to me. Communism’s enemy is the CEO’s and we all know who “they” are. Know what does sound like a jewish concept? The concept of capitalism, which is make as much money as possible and the people who make the most money have the most power. No redistribution. Thats a kiked concept.
They both suck.

DeSantis does not come across as strong. His "Don't Say Gay" -- yeah, it only applied to 3rd grade and under. So if your 4th grader's teacher wanted to talk about their pansexual transexual furry partner, no problem with that.

The point is to make DeSantis appear to be making a difference for conservatives so that the dumb ones who don't follow closely think "at least he's not Trump and he's still making the libtards cry."

Trump would be better, I think, if only because he's more entertaining.

The issue Trump has is that every single one of his opponents can just say he didn't build the wall or really get any of his policies through and was an ineffective president by any metric.
He let niggers OUTA jail 🤤
Communism being jewish owned is a bit of an oversimplification. (I need to preface i’m not a communist). Sure Marx and Lenin were jews but Stalin and Mao weren’t. The concept of capitalism is inherently anti-jewish. When your entire belief centers around the working class (aka white men) overthrowing “the people in power” (jews) to give power back to the workers…that doesn’t sound very jewish to me. Communism’s enemy is the CEO’s and we all know who “they” are. Know what does sound like a jewish concept? The concept of capitalism, which is make as much money as possible and the people who make the most money have the most power. No redistribution. Thats a kiked concept.
Stalin was a Jew