Conservative Hate Thread


The gunslinger.
I’ve finally learned to be disgusted with republican right wing types.

There’s egregious open evil occuring everywhere and they don’t care one bit, they’re happy to be grifted by freaks like Shapiro and Cumia and complain about black marvel characters and other irrelevant nonsense.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I’ve finally learned to be disgusted with republican right wing types.

There’s egregious open evil occuring everywhere and they don’t care one bit, they’re happy to be grifted by freaks like Shapiro and Cumia and complain about black marvel characters and other irrelevant nonsense.
View attachment 196963
In fairness most don't know that Israelis spit on Christians.

These people are now spreading tweets that show that saying Jews killed Jesus is now considered anti-semitism in America, so that may cause them to do some research.

But I am with you: I don't understand how anyone could have been an adult over the past 10 years and not have at least some inkling that wars for oil weren't actually that, and that things are better now than they've ever been. Or that conservatives have literally one major policy win over the past 50 years (overturning of Roe v Wade while birth rates are simultanouesly plummeting, talk about too little too late). And how could they not see that niggers hate them?

Ok I take it back they need to go.


Stand Alone Fruit
In fairness most don't know that Israelis spit on Christians.

These people are now spreading tweets that show that saying Jews killed Jesus is now considered anti-semitism in America, so that may cause them to do some research.

But I am with you: I don't understand how anyone could have been an adult over the past 10 years and not have at least some inkling that wars for oil weren't actually that, and that things are better now than they've ever been. Or that conservatives have literally one major policy win over the past 50 years (overturning of Roe v Wade while birth rates are simultanouesly plummeting, talk about too little too late). And how could they not see that niggers hate them?

Ok I take it back they need to go.
I noticed that too about what is / what isn’t considered “antisemitism” now - it seems now you can’t even be “heavily critical” of anything Israel does without being called antisemitic or historical things like you pointed out that the Jews DID kill Jesus. I’ve even seen if someone says they want a certain group of people removed from society (for whatever reason, not specific to religion) and you point out that’s what Hitler & The Nazi’s wanted to do YOU are the anti-Semitic one.

Sue Lightning

In fairness most don't know that Israelis spit on Christians.

These people are now spreading tweets that show that saying Jews killed Jesus is now considered anti-semitism in America, so that may cause them to do some research.

But I am with you: I don't understand how anyone could have been an adult over the past 10 years and not have at least some inkling that wars for oil weren't actually that, and that things are better now than they've ever been. Or that conservatives have literally one major policy win over the past 50 years (overturning of Roe v Wade while birth rates are simultanouesly plummeting, talk about too little too late). And how could they not see that niggers hate them?

Ok I take it back they need to go.
Conservatism is bullshit and has been for maybe 100 years. On a social level the Republicans not only freed the slaves but gave women the right to vote. The Civil Rights bills biggest opponents were Democrats and it wasn’t until after it passed that the Republicans became the party of conservation. Except they also can’t be. Because to win the election you need the most amount of votes this means even if you got 99% of the white male vote you’d still lose. That means you need to appeal to minorities. That means you obviously cant run on “Yeah fuck blacks and we should just remove womens rights”, aka what social conservatism strives for. It’s why you see so many conservatives open up to faggots. It’s the only way they can win the election and thus retain power, not some jewish conspiracy to have them accepted by both sides and undermine our culture or whatever.

Wars? Republicans have never been isolationist. Mckinley essentially started our CIA coup bullshit and it’s never ended since. After losing miserably on anti-interventionist policies in the 10’s and 40’s they said fuck it and decided to be warhawks, evident in Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, HW, W, etc. They of course all love Israel as well. They also love sending money to other countries to defend democracy.

Economically? The Republicans conservative fiscal policies of the 1920-1930’s and non-intervention in the markets created the Great Depression which forced the elite and other Republicans to accept New Deal programs as a compromise to outright Communism and a dissolution of our current US. And considering how popular FDR’s , and then LBJ’s, social programs were we haven’t seen a Republican president seriously try to oppose them. Eisenhower as the first R after that time was expected to try and fight social security. He didn’t and thus set it up as a dual party issue for the next 70 years. If Republicans want lower taxes they’re gonna find a way to rape you in some other way, which is of course not conservative.

Don’t get me into Reagans plans to naturalize all illegal immigrants. Or when he wrote a letter of support for firearms legislation. Or when he banned open carry as Governor of California. That is the guy who the conservatives model themselves after. Who is shocked they’re spineless? And now of course Trump is the face of the party: A rich, politically disinterested, former Democrat from fucking New York City is the face of the Republican party. Yeah, i’m shocked they don’t hold the values of preachers from Alabama.

Sue Lightning

I noticed that too about what is / what isn’t considered “antisemitism” now - it seems now you can’t even be “heavily critical” of anything Israel does without being called antisemitic or historical things like you pointed out that the Jews DID kill Jesus. I’ve even seen if someone says they want a certain group of people removed from society (for whatever reason, not specific to religion) and you point out that’s what Hitler & The Nazi’s wanted to do YOU are the anti-Semitic one.
Like every other label it will exhaust its meaning and impact. Simply saying Israel should be careful of civilian causalities is anti-semitic and they will jump through hoops to do this. Eventually no one cares because the people who want to exterminate jews are lumped together with people who hate Israel as “antisemitism” which destroys the meaning of the word. Guarantee people in the next 10 years will proudly be proclaiming themselves antisemitic because of this. “Well you decided it just means being anti-Israel, which i am, so yes i’m antisemitic”

Its very curious that conservatives will comb over black crime statistics to prove they’re all like that, but when it comes to any statistics about jews they stick their fingers in their ears and ignore it all. “STATISTICAL BIASES!!!” Oh ok, just for one side i guess.


The gunslinger.
Conservatism is bullshit and has been for maybe 100 years. On a social level the Republicans not only freed the slaves but gave women the right to vote. The Civil Rights bills biggest opponents were Democrats and it wasn’t until after it passed that the Republicans became the party of conservation. Except they also can’t be. Because to win the election you need the most amount of votes this means even if you got 99% of the white male vote you’d still lose. That means you need to appeal to minorities. That means you obviously cant run on “Yeah fuck blacks and we should just remove womens rights”, aka what social conservatism strives for. It’s why you see so many conservatives open up to faggots. It’s the only way they can win the election and thus retain power, not some jewish conspiracy to have them accepted by both sides and undermine our culture or whatever.

Wars? Republicans have never been isolationist. Mckinley essentially started our CIA coup bullshit and it’s never ended since. After losing miserably on anti-interventionist policies in the 10’s and 40’s they said fuck it and decided to be warhawks, evident in Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, HW, W, etc. They of course all love Israel as well. They also love sending money to other countries to defend democracy.

Economically? The Republicans conservative fiscal policies of the 1920-1930’s and non-intervention in the markets created the Great Depression which forced the elite and other Republicans to accept New Deal programs as a compromise to outright Communism and a dissolution of our current US. And considering how popular FDR’s , and then LBJ’s, social programs were we haven’t seen a Republican president seriously try to oppose them. Eisenhower as the first R after that time was expected to try and fight social security. He didn’t and thus set it up as a dual party issue for the next 70 years. If Republicans want lower taxes they’re gonna find a way to rape you in some other way, which is of course not conservative.

Don’t get me into Reagans plans to naturalize all illegal immigrants. Or when he wrote a letter of support for firearms legislation. Or when he banned open carry as Governor of California. That is the guy who the conservatives model themselves after. Who is shocked they’re spineless? And now of course Trump is the face of the party: A rich, politically disinterested, former Democrat from fucking New York City is the face of the Republican party. Yeah, i’m shocked they don’t hold the values of preachers from Alabama.

You have some good points to make, I really mean that and I’m not being a dick, but you need to learn to be more concise while making them lol.


Stand Alone Fruit
Like every other label it will exhaust its meaning and impact. Simply saying Israel should be careful of civilian causalities is anti-semitic and they will jump through hoops to do this. Eventually no one cares because the people who want to exterminate jews are lumped together with people who hate Israel as “antisemitism” which destroys the meaning of the word. Guarantee people in the next 10 years will proudly be proclaiming themselves antisemitic because of this. “Well you decided it just means being anti-Israel, which i am, so yes i’m antisemitic”

Its very curious that conservatives will comb over black crime statistics to prove they’re all like that, but when it comes to any statistics about jews they stick their fingers in their ears and ignore it all. “STATISTICAL BIASES!!!” Oh ok, just for one side i guess.
It’s like how terms like “racist” were at one time a serious accusation then it got used to death so it changed to “white supremacist” and then that lost its sting. Most people calling someone a “Nazi” in 2024 doesnt even know what a Nazi is, what traits / actions are actually of Nazi’s or even that Nazi is short for “National Socialist” - it’s just now what you call someone that doesn’t agree with you / have a different opinion.

Even comparing someone to Hitler - who is seen by many as the worst and most evil person ever - has been watered down by people calling everyone they don’t like Hitler. I joke that you haven’t made a name for yourself in politics until someone calls you Hitler. Now it’s switched to “worse than Hitler” because it’s lost its sting.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
It’s like how terms like “racist” were at one time a serious accusation then it got used to death so it changed to “white supremacist” and then that lost its sting. Most people calling someone a “Nazi” in 2024 doesnt even know what a Nazi is, what traits / actions are actually of Nazi’s or even that Nazi is short for “National Socialist” - it’s just now what you call someone that doesn’t agree with you / have a different opinion.
Rush Limbaugh of all people helped with this.

He said he coined the term "Feminazi" to describe feminists because feminists are pro-abortion, abortion is killing babies, killing babies is evil, and the biggest evil to walk the earth ever was nazis. Ergo, "feminazi".

Knowing what we all know now, this is one of the most retarded political takes ever. So yes, the current "everything I don't like is a nazi" can literally be traced back to Rush Limbaugh.

What's funny is I remember seeing a bumpersticker in the 90s that said, "Rush is Reich" which is also absolutely hilarious given what we know now.

Sue Lightning

You’re missing my point. I’m not talking about a fantasy world where you can pick whatever ideology you think is best but the ones we have in reality. Conservatism is a farce in reality world because it is incompatible with democracy. You cannot be a conservative and win an election, so conservatives literally don’t exist, they simply masquerade as them


Rush Limbaugh of all people helped with this.

He said he coined the term "Feminazi" to describe feminists because feminists are pro-abortion, abortion is killing babies, killing babies is evil, and the biggest evil to walk the earth ever was nazis. Ergo, "feminazi".

Knowing what we all know now, this is one of the most retarded political takes ever. So yes, the current "everything I don't like is a nazi" can literally be traced back to Rush Limbaugh.

What's funny is I remember seeing a bumpersticker in the 90s that said, "Rush is Reich" which is also absolutely hilarious given what we know now.
That logic does at least work better than the countless hordes of idiots calling people Nazis because they didn’t want to watch a shitty Ghostbusters movie.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
You’re missing my point. I’m not talking about a fantasy world where you can pick whatever ideology you think is best but the ones we have in reality. Conservatism is a farce in reality world because it is incompatible with democracy. You cannot be a conservative and win an election, so conservatives literally don’t exist, they simply masquerade as them
It's conservatism in the context of liberalism though

Sue Lightning

It's conservatism in the context of liberalism though
Yeah exactly. So it’s bullshit and there is no such thing in America as conservatism outside the context of liberalism. To get that you basically have to start engaging in hypotheticals where our government isn’t the one we have right now


Stand Alone Fruit
That logic does at least work better than the countless hordes of idiots calling people Nazis because they didn’t want to watch a shitty Ghostbusters movie.
Plus the “Soup Nazi” from Seinfeld. The guy who played him did an appearance at a AC Casino restaurant that specializes in soup but would advertise him as the “Soup Nazi” but as “Soup Guy” from Seinfeld.


Stand Alone Fruit
Rush Limbaugh of all people helped with this.

He said he coined the term "Feminazi" to describe feminists because feminists are pro-abortion, abortion is killing babies, killing babies is evil, and the biggest evil to walk the earth ever was nazis. Ergo, "feminazi".

Knowing what we all know now, this is one of the most retarded political takes ever. So yes, the current "everything I don't like is a nazi" can literally be traced back to Rush Limbaugh.

What's funny is I remember seeing a bumpersticker in the 90s that said, "Rush is Reich" which is also absolutely hilarious given what we know now.
That’s funny - since it was a term coined by a “right winger” to describe a “left winger” they didn’t like and now it’s used by the left to anyone they don’t like on the right.

I could be wrong but I think the first time I saw a politician compared to Hitler was when Ronald Reagan ran for president in 1980 by a group of angry protesters.

Sue Lightning

That’s funny - since it was a term coined by a “right winger” to describe a “left winger” they didn’t like and now it’s used by the left to anyone they don’t like on the right.

I could be wrong but I think the first time I saw a politician compared to Hitler was when Ronald Reagan ran for president in 1980 by a group of angry protesters.
Its amazing that the Nazis managed to make their ideology so incomprehensible both sides have managed to use them as a boogie man for both parties. Like naturally you would think the Republican rallying cry against Liberals is “You’re a communist!” but somehow it’s “You’re a nazi!”.

The problem with Nazism is they designed it to appeal to everybody with the end goal being to corral everybody into the right wing, fascist goals of the party. Problem is you can’t brainwash everyone. So in the middle of your jew hating authoritarian party you also have genuine left wing communists / socialists. Then despite the goal of the party being the extermination of the jews, people that were too into killing them were seen as weirdos but people not into killing them were seen as weak. Both occupied the same party / ideology. And even though its ridiculous both parties call each other Nazis they’re slightly correct in that the party carried traits of both sides of the aisle.