Chrissy can't get over Ant shutting down Compound


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
she looks like a more equine version of a long-ago ex, so I probably would

Honestly, she looks like a lass or two I've nailed as a young lad.

I just picture a dead lay though. The bigger girls always put the effort in. The skinny girls tended to be flexible.

Then you have the Chrithy Mares, who think they just have to look at you to make you cum.

What a bitch.
Honestly, she looks like a lass or two I've nailed as a young lad.

I just picture a dead lay though. The bigger girls always put the effort in. The skinny girls tended to be flexible.

Then you have the Chrithy Mares, who think they just have to look at you to make you cum.

What a bitch.
TBF, you've written ur own story there, I'm not saying you're inherently wrong, but I don't know much about Chrissy