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Some of Chris Kyle's insane lies over the years:He claimed all sorts of wild shit in his book too like the SuperDome looters story. He seemed unstable and even the movie made no sense. They were being attacked by insurgents and he was on a sat phone telling his wife he loved her.
- Claimed to have assaulted Jesse Ventura in front of a room full of SEALs that were there for a BUDS/SQT graduation. Truth is that he never even met Ventura. And not a single SEAL actually verified the story in court and was willing to testify. No SEAL has ever backed him up in court because they all know the truth. A handful of SEALs to this day go on podcasts and news and say that Chris Kyle told the truth.
- Claimed to have more bronze and silver star awards than authorized. He forged his DD214 stolen valor style and was caught which was not really necessary as the Navy already gave him tons of combat awards. When he ETS'd from the military he added more awards than authorized so that when the paperwork went through for his DD214 it would show more combat awards. He was caught because of the negative attention from the whole Ventura thing caused people to start digging into his background heavily.
- Once said that he was brought into New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and with teams of SEAL snipers he was shooting looters and killed "dozens" of looters and armed men when he was stationed on top of the Superdome. According to Chris he shot and killed at least '30 people' during Hurricane Katrina. This was entirely made up and caused NAVSPECWAR and the FBI to issue statements claiming that no SEALs were brought into New Orleans to shoot Americans. No one knows why he made this story up.
- Told people that he was carjacked in Texas and shot the two attackers in close combat and killed them. When the police showed up he flashed them a Navy CAC card that said SEAL and they called the CIA and buried the bodies and destroyed the gas station footage where his car was parked when the men tried to steal it from him. But, this literally never happened, and he made the entire thing up and the FBI and local police flat out said he made it up. Keep in mind that Chris Kyle was a basic SEAL sniper and not some JSOC James Bond type operator as well. He told this story to dozens of SEALs.
Side note. One time a SEAL from SDV retired and became a self defense teacher. This SEAL was in his car in a parking lot and pulled his gun out of his waistband and shot himself in the stomach on accident. The SEAL plugged the wound and hid his gun at his house then drove to the hospital himself. The SEAL told the hospital that three carjackers shot at him and he needed treatment. Police questioned him and started looking at surveillance cameras and knew he was lying. They charged him with false statement and illegal discharging of a firearm. CIA comes in and gets the police to back down. They recruit this SEAL to become some type of assassin in exchange for getting him out of jail. He agrees to become an assassin for the CIA. He and seven other CIA operatives are smuggled into Haiti with weapons. They fail to make it through a government checkpoint and are caught with weapons and arrested. The Haitian police directly accuse them of trying to assassinate the president of Haiti. The CIA pays the Haitian government millions to release the men.
That operator's name is Chris McKinley though he was born Chris Heben. His brother was caught as a stolen valor case once.
I doubt he killed more than two or three people in the entire war. Guy was a total CIA spook and coward. Never talked the talked like a real sniper or killer. You could hear his faggoty voice shake whenever he talked about war. His entire story was made up for Navy recruiting. He might have been killed on purpose by that PTSD guy he took shooting being some type of CIA plant. But he also might have just been an idiot and completely out of control at that point.Wasn't he literally shooting women and kids to up his kill count?