Chesty Fuller ova here, about a D cup I say.



Plugged in Pat is the worst

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Military friends. Japanese WW2 veteran friends. Science fiction friends. Con friends. Rodeo friends. Knife fighting friends. Literary friends. Social media friends. All elusive, but he'll always have his brothermen.
Don’t forget his trans Muslim genderqueer disabled Deaf (capital D, bigots) friends.

I genuinely think Pat counts anyone he ever conversed with online as a friend. He might even apply that label to people whose forum messages he read but never responded to. Pathetic Parasocial Pat: known by few, loved by fewer.


Life of my story
"You need to stay for the entire shift." I've heard this mantra from my friends who've worked at Target, so many times.

Finishing one's shifts leads to extended employment. Extended employment leads to a career. A career leads to not having to spend all day projecting on Twitter. This is its own reward, but also allows one to PAY QUASI YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Funny how with all of those diverse friends, he never heard “Don’t abandon your children or sign away parental rights, and don’t forget not to file frivolous lawsuits or try to flee court-ordered judgments.” Maybe he never met anyone who thought those things needed to be stated because how much of a fucking lowlife can one (FAT) person be?



Plugged in Pat is the worst
I'm now convinced that Pat either tried to enlist and he failed or he did enlist and he washed out quickly.

Edit: Pat would have tried to enlist in 98' There had already been a 5 year slow down in military enrollment and they were closing bases. They didn't really need to scrape the bottom of the barrel for flyover state rubes. And when 9/11 hit, Patrick was too much of a pussy to try and enlist or he basically had a designation wherein he wasn't psychologically fit for service. Imagine Patrick in charge of anything? Patrick is the type of guy where Mai Lai massacres happen.
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