Cancer sucks. Best wishes to Dawn.

Lol yeah. It's hard to overestimate the Cumio bros degeneracy.
At least have the dignity to lie and act offended when confronted with that kind of question.

If they laugh off unironic/non-jokey tit-grabbing to strangers you know they've at least done oral a few times and I'm not even joking.

What the fuck is wrong with that family?

This makes me even more sad for Dawn.

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
Now we'll see if the bizarre over-reliance on ones siblings, borne out of shared suffering, will pay off or not.

Will her brothers be there for her or will they cut and run when the going gets tough?

I'm skeptical.
Dawn is going to be fine.

Breast cancer treatment has advanced considerably over the past 15-20 years. Dawn seems like she's on top of her shit, so I'm assuming the cancer was detected early enough because she's getting regular mammograms.

I don't want to minimize how awful cancer can be (one of our own brothermen here in DC is fighting a tough battle against cancer at the moment), but I'd be cautiously optimistic about Dawn's treatment and eventual recovery.


It died on the vine
Well shit that does suck, but I respect the women who go ahead and lop them off and get on with it. If she's still fucked up about it, in a few years she can get a new set. She may even be like the broads who go on and get a huge chest piece to cover it.

It is amazing how Joe isn't touched by all this. Maybe plantains and doing nothing physical at all ever does something to prolong your life while also calcifying your brains.