Can you imagine his tit sweat and labored breathing as he scales the peaks of Wisconsin?


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
"Major City."


Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
Milwaukee is barely a “major city” you can see plenty of this stuff not far out of Pittsburg as an example. He acts like he lives in a real hip trendy city like NYC or LA yet it’s Milwaukee, a place best know for cheap domestic beer in a state known for cheese. Fat rube.
Madison is a far superior town, and yeah a town is as much as you can call these midwestern shitholes


fuck jews
The only other bridge this seems that could potentially be photod is to the south of the one I highlighted and that one has black lamp posts that extende from the top of the handrailing going down the length, so I'm almost 100% that is the spot he was at

You must be from the area or your autism is on point. That bridge is either Capitol or Locust. When I moved down there my roommate and I went on this trail and a bunch of tweakers offered me a dab. Homeless people sleep under those bridges and there's graffiti/trash everywhere.

There's actually an abandoned bridge near there I tagged with swastikas and "patrick tomlinson is a fag" but it's on the other side of the river