Calling all autists, Part 2- Evidence that Posts By Ghosts is a bogus company



Them boys would fly in the mud over my house
Money laundering operation.
From a cursory glance at the FTC website last night reading about “shell companies” (this is out of my pay grade) there are legal and illegal shell companies. With the info available, Im not quite sure which one Mrs Piggies falls under, so to be a good tax paying American I messaged the Federal Trade Commission. Waiting on reply back. I suspect it will fall under the “illegal” category, but some of it is like trying to read legal docs so idk. Im just asking questions. I havent accused anyone of anything, yet, so dont get your panties in a wad, Fatso. Im just trying to wrap my head around my tax dollars going to PBG and all the shady details surrounding it and seemingly no active customers.


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This was last updated October 2021. The reason is because Nikki has reported no new clients or business activity since six months before that.

"No known strengths" but many weaknesses. "Web traffic rankings are worse than the industry average" for an SEO company?

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Look at what happened to the revenue the second those PPP loans dried up:

View attachment 33670

When the PPP loans were announced, Nikki hired a bunch of new employees (all friends and family connections) so she could apply for higher loans. Look at her employee numbers change when there were no more PPP loans to apply for:

View attachment 33673

I’d bet $1,000 it’s a shell created by her mom to hide revenue and/or expenses from her other companies in order to evade taxes or inflate the value like Enron was doing.

She can also do it to give Niki income rather than just gifting her money and being subject to gift tax. I’d bet a further $1000 that this is how Cumia pays Joe and Dawn as well. They probably have no-show jobs at KidFuck Media that are just tax write offs for him.

If Niki used this fraudulent income as a basis for obtaining a mortgage her and Rick and the mom could be in a world of shit but I doubt we’d ever get someone interested enough to investigate these Wisconsin fatbodies.

Sink Inspector

SFWA hate site monitoring agent #2
Wait is the $7k **DELINQUENT TAX WARRANT** with the WI Dept. of Revenue known? **BITCH HAD A LIEN** typical liberals, whine about wanting money for dem programs and shiet, but when it's time to pay their fair share they're nowhere to be found, flying to Costa Rica

Don't fully understand all the info:
Judgement on 03-20-2020
Civil case filed on 09-01-2020
Withdrawn on 07-12-2021 with Satisfaction as "Other" which I take to be some form of payment plan agreement? It still says "Dismissed: no / Status: active" at the bottom

Neither the LLC, nor her, nor Pat show up on the Tax Delinquent Search currently, but keep an eye on this