Also low key relevant.
White men are hamstrung by their honor. We can and always have overcome this, but not against these odds.
When the Jewish-owned CIA was inventing the Los Zeta's Cartel, they ordered the leader, Miguel Treviño Morales, to get every recruit a dog. Nurture it, love it, etc. That was the gimmick at first. Then the recruits had to kill that dog with a knife, brutally, on the spot. Apparently there was zero hesitation from the beaners. Aztec blood makes them immune to empathy. These people will boil a toddler alive in front of parents and feel nothing.
White men are capable of fighting against that and winning, we've done it a zillion times. Even as weak and cucked as we are, we could still defend our own. But we need a moral cause, a righteous reason. Ultimately the only moral cause worth fighting for is your blood, your people, your race (and ideally God, but that's not necessary.) Except conservative white men don't have peoplehood, they have a 90 IQ friendly ideology and mystery meat niggerish kids.
"I don't care hhhhwhat shade ya' are, as long as ya love tax cuts n' Jesus n' freedum.. Socialism is for the commies!" Nobody, even retarded conservatives, says that and actually means it. Nobody would fight and die for that. All the previous (modern) wars that we've won were ostensibly whites vs the other. Not anymore. No white man is going to seriously fight hard alongside niggers and beaners for some ala carte interpretation of "freedom." Talented white special operators still exist sure, but the masses to join the Army and Marine Corps? Fight hard? Not happening.
The Jews have played the boomers beautifully, and I don't think it's reversible. Others disagree. I think it's over for whites. Civil war isn't happening. These faggots would sooner fight for a reverse mortgage at 0.9% interest so that they can squeeze the kids out of inheritance and buy a Vette.