Buzz Aldrin: Shitdick?


hard drive full of CP media
Getting a rover there is a whole different thing than sending actual people there and getting them back safely. Only the USA, at the top of its game, has been able to accomplish that. An actual Indian sent to the moon would be dead ten times by now.
I have little doubt that India, and many other countries, could land people on the moon and get them back if they wanted. The biggest hurdle would be to design and build a suitable launch vehicle or assemble the ship in space. Either way it's hard and extremely costly but I can't think of a reason why they couldn't do it (if they really wanted). They have previously successfully tested a crew re-entry module and are planning a crewed LEO flight in the next few years. They've also now demonstrated they can land on the moon.

China now has a serious program, but previously only the Soviet Union and the US have even tried. The Soviet rockets kept blowing up and they kept messing up orbital docking maneuvers when the race was still on. When the US won the Soviet program was quietly scrapped. If the Soviets continued their program (and gave it an adequate funding) they could have landed on the moon in the mid 70s.

Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
Everyone knows the aztec mayan natives lived on the moon until Whitey stoled it.


3 main things I don't understand about the moon landing conspiracy:
  1. What would be the motivation? What wars were caused/constitutional freedoms stripped, or who massively profited, as is the case for other hoaxes?
  2. Why wouldn't Russia/other US enemies immediately called bullshit? We were in a race with them, and no doubt they would have seen the whole thing.
  3. What was physically stopping them from doing it? The only thing I've heard is the van Allen radiation belt, which is BS, they could easily design a rocket to withstand that.
I believe we went to the Moon, but I also believe there was something set up to fake it if it went bad... One major reason I believe that, and this isn't really well known, is if Buzz and Neil couldn't get off the surface of the Moon then NASA's plan was to cut off all communication and let them die alone.
It's well known. They have even leaked the speech from the president if they had died on the moon

Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
So Buzz Aldrin WAS gay.

3 main things I don't understand about the moon landing conspiracy:
  1. What would be the motivation? What wars were caused/constitutional freedoms stripped, or who massively profited, as is the case for other hoaxes?
  2. Why wouldn't Russia/other US enemies immediately called bullshit? We were in a race with them, and no doubt they would have seen the whole thing.
  3. What was physically stopping them from doing it? The only thing I've heard is the van Allen radiation belt, which is BS, they could easily design a rocket to withstand that.
Look at the fear the US caused by perpetuating the Cold War. The Russians played along with it as well. After WWII the threat of Nazism and fascism were gone, so America needed a new enemy to keep its citizens on their toes, which is a method of controlling them and to believe the overall narrative and to believe that presidential races are legitimate and income tax is necessary.

The moon landing is just another element of "yeah you're getting taxed, but look at the amazing things we are all accomplishing!" It elicits this bullshit form of patriotism while your neighbourhoods get shittier and your rates increase. The CIA spends most of its time perfecting how to control the masses through culture and psychosis; we're at the point where trannies are the norm now.


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
Moonlanding was fake and gay. Aliens are fake and gay. America robbed the entirety of Europe, falsely positioned as the world superpower, so they had to pull a rabbit out of their hat to make it seem as if Manifest Destiny was back on, but in a different realm. Shits fuckin gay. Soviets landing rovers on Venus was way fuckin cooler.