Bought weed at a dispensary today


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
@NortheastPhilly about halfway through his first joint:



Pay attention to how nervous I am
Sativa: relaxed/sit on couch/munchies/may induce lethargy
Indica: creative/wtf is water?/cotton-mouth/may induce paranoia
Hybrids = hit or miss, hence to be avoided.
you're a retard and it's all so cross bred at this point that everything is a hybrid. there's nothing to indicate any of the terpene or cannabinoid profiles result in the "cerebral" sativa high or "lethargic" indica body high.
Sativas are less potent in general, you'll be fine.
not true and you're a retard.

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
When NY legalized it dispensaries popped up everywhere on the nearby Indian reservation. Tax free, cheap weed in all forms. No reason to even grow it yourself now.
Me sell-um you wacky tobacco, pale face. You smoke-um peace pipe, see many spirit animals. Me drink-um fire water, watch pale face go crazy like bear.
The whole indica/sativa thing these days is a bunch of bullshit used by the industry so budtenders can sound like weed sommeliers. At best, you're buying indica dominant strains or sativa dominant strains. Growers don't like to grow pure indicas because they have low yields, and they don't like to grow pure sativas because they have long flower times and don't do a good job holding their own weight. When I first started growing indoors in '96, most people grew dutch hybrids. These days, most people grow polyhybrids based off those old hybrids. You have a better chance of being robbed by a pack of niggers in the dispensary parking lot than buying a pure indica or sativa strain from the dispensary.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
When NY legalized it dispensaries popped up everywhere on the nearby Indian reservation. Tax free, cheap weed in all forms. No reason to even grow it yourself now.

I was downtown the other night for a birthday party and they had a music is art festival. There were 2 different vans selling weed in the open. Pot leaf lights on the side so it wasn’t like it was discrete. Very bizarre, considering when I was 19 I had to do 20 hours of community service for getting caught with weed.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
I didn’t smoke for like 12 years, walked into the dispensary a couple weeks ago and told the lady I need something to help with sleep and it had to be weak because I don’t smoke.

Got an 8th of indica with some goofy ass bakery name, rolled a little joint and was on the moon for the rest of the day. Like, to an uncomfortable level. The next day I just took one baby hit and it was perfect. This shit is so much stronger than when I was a kid.