Books back in stock. Incase you missed the opportunity.


Go work. Get Sandwiches
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Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
His books are only in paperback because they don’t sell. Also “want some comedy in your sci-fi”? You mean hack Fonald Plump and tired references to 80s movies (don’t cross the streams! Where we’re going we don’t need roads, etc) from a guy who believes it’s illegal to laugh at him?
This should be on every copy of his books. Covering the title, preferably.
This is old unsold tat he has stored at the hovel.
Unless Pat pays for it himself there is no way they are printing off another run of his garbage.
Yeah lets fire up the presses for 2 unfinished, unselling trilogies from an "author", not in contract, writing on spec, and doesnt even have the 3rd or 2nd and 3rd books written.
I doubt he has even spoken to Tor for a long time, bar any of his beg-tweets.
Tor would not have any of his books laying around to send out to him, its been over two years, they would have either have been pulped or sent to discount book stores to clear out.
Tor, unlike Pat, don't want to hang on to big fat 'L's that stink up the place

If he was an actual writer he would have finished the trilogies regardless of whether he was contracted/paid.


Stand Alone Fruit
I bet that in the black box is the one from the strictly stalking pic. His books aren’t magically “back in stock” a day after Kiwi Farms trends in the news. He’s using this opportunity to sell books since he thinks he’s getting many new eyes on him yet people are going to KF to discover the crazy wacko lol cow that is Patso. Remember we called him Babu for some reason? That was funny.


The gunslinger.
If someone actually does go and buys one, we’ll be able to tell from serial numbers if they’re old stock. I mean they clearly are but it would be funny to confirm it.

Picking an in joke name to sign it to would be interesting, how far can you push it without it being obvious? How comfortable would you be? I’d probably do a James Norton or something like that.

Picking something obvious and seeing if he does anything would be interesting, “Chad Snyder” or something