Are there any good horror movies anymore?



I've never seen enemy or drive or but I'm definitely going to watch them this week.

Had a feeling the new matrix movie would suck. I unironically enjoy broke back mountain because it's a decent movie where I get to laugh my balls off. You've ever seen the drop with Tom Hardy and James gandolfini?
Dude it's a toss up for me between west and America. Im not a huge Tarantino fan like I was when I was a kid. I love the hateful 8 one of the most quotable movies. "Talk that sasss nigga talk that sasss" if they took out that retarded scene where he's talking about fucking the general son I think it woulda been so much better.
The Drop is good. I saw it when it came out because of Gandolfini, I need to watch it again. I'll be a contrarian here, speaking of Leone. I think For A Few Dollars More is the best of the Dollars trilogy. I could watch that one every day.
Can't go wrong with Sergio Leone. Once Upon A Time In The West is my favorite of his. I'll also cop to liking Hateful Eight quite a bit, and I'm not the biggest Tarantino fan.
I'll leave you on this cuz I'll legit talk movies for hours. And I know that it'll get annoying lol But if you haven't seen the drop watch it eventually. Gandolfini co stars with Tom Hardy as these half assed but hardened Brooklyn gangsters. It was gandolfinis last movie and right before they started putting Hardy in everything they're both great in it. He's also really good in this movie lawless about moonshiner brothers with shia Labeouf who is actually good. Guy Peirce is in it's it's no cinematic masterpiece but it's entertaining
The Drop is good. I saw it when it came out because of Gandolfini, I need to watch it again. I'll be a contrarian here, speaking of Leone. I think For A Few Dollars More is the best of the Dollars trilogy. I could watch that one every day.
Ahhhhh I posted about the drop before I seen this my bad. Dude honestly like of the westerns they're so close it really depends on the day for whichever one I like the most. There's just something about once upon a time in America that I love I can't really put my finger on it. I think it's because the entire thing after the failed heist is his opium induced dream all his friends are dead and he knows he about to be murdered coupled with him being a legit rapist pos. But yeah dude whenever you wanna bullshit about movies I'm here you def know your shit I'll be coming to you for more suggestions. Thanks for the ones I got rn


Ahhhhh I posted about the drop before I seen this my bad. Dude honestly like of the westerns they're so close it really depends on the day for whichever one I like the most. There's just something about once upon a time in America that I love I can't really put my finger on it. I think it's because the entire thing after the failed heist is his opium induced dream all his friends are dead and he knows he about to be murdered coupled with him being a legit rapist pos. But yeah dude whenever you wanna bullshit about movies I'm here you def know your shit I'll be coming to you for more suggestions. Thanks for the ones I got rn
I had the America bluray on my shelf for years, never got around to it. During the gay ass lock lockdowns I actually had 4 straight hours to kill so I watched and loved it. The rape scene is so uncomfortable. Credit for actually going all the way and making your main character a piece of shit. James Woods is just as good as Deniro in that one, too.
I had the America bluray on my shelf for years, never got around to it. During the gay ass lock lockdowns I actually had 4 straight hours to kill so I watched and loved it. The rape scene is so uncomfortable. Credit for actually going all the way and making your main character a piece of shit. James Woods is just as good as Deniro in that one, too.
Dude that's what I really enjoyed and think In that way it was ahead of it's time. I can't think of a movie earlier where the lead has no redeemable characteristics. He also sorta raped that blonde girl too she just happened to be into it. James woods is a great actor he just isn't talked about or given roles or respect because he's a die hard republican. He's awesome as the pimp boyfriend in casino "I can see you for the first time you're 15 you're beautiful" simp ace walks in and still believes that dumb bitch wont betray him lol
Also as gay as this is. One of the hottest women I've ever met or seen in general. Who is a legit 9 not Dan mullen 9 a real 9. Incredible shape beautiful the biggest tits I've ever seen she's 133 pounds.25 years old is a professional with an 800 credit score so not a weirdo loser. She put me into anime and theres tons of garbage but there's actually a lot of really great escapism in some of those shows.


Access to the Debates
Train to Busan was a pretty fun zombie movie. It’s generic in a lot of ways but it’s an entertaining action/horror. It’s Korean so there is some over the top sappiness in it but that’s what they do. I think I saw it on Amazon Prime.


Shit thanks I never even heard of these moviesm what's some of the sites a nigga like myself might be able to watch one of these movies while he has a couple beers and a Vicodin

dont need to torrent lol it's not 2009

every tv series and movie ever, unless super obscure is on here to stream fella

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I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Oh dude I love that niggas movies. I've watched all of them besides cell block. Bone tomahawk I've watched multiple times. And I think I was one of the few people here who really liked dragged. I've never seen blue velvet or eraser head though. But I know they're movies I should've seen

Edit- I think bone tomahawk is probably my favorite movie to come out in the last couple years fuck I want to rewatch that rn
"That's not a poem...."

Cell Block is probably my favorite of them. I enjoyed Dragged Across Concrete too, you're not alone. I'll give you one more, then I'll stop bombarding you, lil nigga. "Prisoners" (2013) with Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal is fuckin great. Same director as the new Blade Runner. It's grim and depressing as hell, though.

Captives is good. I remember seeing it just because it was starting right after the last movie I went to let out. Definitely not your usual Hugh Jackman role