Are ghosts or demons real?


The Backbone of America
I'm a real ass ghost, sport.

And honestly, I believe in every crazy fucking thing anyone ever says ever since my buddy and I watched a SHIT TON M of UFOs fly over his house. I believe fucking sasquatches are out there and everything.
WWAW meth-induced phychosis.

Interestingly, some meth-heads who end up seeing shadow people - interdimensional beings who may be benign or malign but are capable of flipping in and out of reality and are observing you as they wish - say that even after recovery they are not 100% sure that these creatures were an hallucination.

Maybe, just maybe, meth psychosis allows you to see things that, on some level, are actually real.


WWAW meth-induced phychosis.

Interestingly, some meth-heads who end up seeing shadow people - interdimensional beings who may be benign or malign but are capable of flipping in and out of reality and are observing you as they wish - say that even after recovery they are not 100% sure that these creatures were an hallucination.

Maybe, just maybe, meth psychosis allows you to see things that, on some level, are actually real.

I had a bad trip once and i truly felt my eyes where opened to different dimensions. It felt like an awakening. Our brain is so limited, it’s the arrogance of humanity to think we know everything. I’m sure there are different worlds, creatures and dimensions we can’t even comprehend yet.
I had a bad trip once and i truly felt my eyes where opened to different dimensions. It felt like an awakening. Our brain is so limited, it’s the arrogance of humanity to think we know everything. I’m sure there are different worlds, creatures and dimensions we can’t even comprehend yet.

There's definitely a lot going on out there. There's a human tendency - particularly as you get older - to see everything as 'normal', 'boring' or 'predictable', when in fact that is just your own brain protecting you from the enormity of the impossible cosmic coincidence you are a part of.

I like to listen to crazy people sometimes. Sure, they can't hold down a job or pay the rent. But! sometimes these people may be tuned into some stuff that exists on the periphery of reality that might be interesting to think about or that at least presents some ineffable questions about what counts as our own feeble excuses for a explanation of reality.

Apparently Captain_Kamala is being denied her meds, so I'm hoping things will kick off in that direction soon.