APOSTLEGATE6 - Bomb Threats and Outstanding Debts


posting here is taking time away from my workouts


Haha I feel vindicated, he doubled down on it only because I texted him, which was what I hoped he'd do. I'm taking a victory lap lol. Fat fuck oinked it out realized there'd be a record then when I texted oinked more knowing his original tweet was deleted to act like it was the first he mentioned it and that it was proof it was us. Like a reverse of mentioning Rahul or Canyon, the pig thought he could turn his mistake into a gotcha, but Big Dick Apostle got another gotcha on the pig.


Asians with southern accents
Haha I feel vindicated, he doubled down on it only because I texted him, which was what I hoped he'd do. I'm taking a victory lap lol. Fat fuck oinked it out realized there'd be a record then when I texted oinked more knowing his original tweet was deleted to act like it was the first he mentioned it and that it was proof it was us. Like a reverse of mentioning Rahul or Canyon, the pig thought he could turn his mistake into a gotcha, but Big Dick Apostle got another gotcha on the pig.
We were wrong and you were right.


Haha I feel vindicated, he doubled down on it only because I texted him, which was what I hoped he'd do. I'm taking a victory lap lol. Fat fuck oinked it out realized there'd be a record then when I texted oinked more knowing his original tweet was deleted to act like it was the first he mentioned it and that it was proof it was us. Like a reverse of mentioning Rahul or Canyon, the pig thought he could turn his mistake into a gotcha, but Big Dick Apostle got another gotcha on the pig.
Not to burst your balloon but wasn't the bomb tweet before you even brought it up? If anything he deleted it AFTER you texted him.


Not to burst your balloon but wasn't the bomb tweet before you even brought it up? If anything he deleted it AFTER you texted him.
Wrong, literally wrong he deleted it which is why I texted him, go back an read or don't, but sorry wrong. I did that to get him oinking which he did. I'm not seeking credit I was hoping it got noticed and questioned and it turned out as I hoped it would. That doesn't mean I was sure no threat occurred though, so it could have blown up on me as it did with you guys.


The list of all current SFWA members is a great catch.

Looks like my Friday night is booked up searching those names against the National Sex Offender registry.

But guys please DO NOT e-mail all these members asking them about how the SFWA spent over $100k on a frivolous lawsuit.


Wrong, literally wrong he deleted it which is why I texted him, go back an read or don't, but sorry wrong. I did that to get him oinking which he did. I'm not seeking credit I was hoping it got noticed and questioned and it turned out as I hoped it would. That doesn't mean I was sure no threat occurred though, so it could have blown up on me as it did with you guys.
Fair enough. I'm man enough to admit I'm wrong and you were right Boomia.