Anyone watched any of the Darrell Brooks Trial?


I like courtroom arguments and general sperging if the case is interesting. The Waukesha parade massacre was already an interest of mine since it's clearly a black nationalist trying to terrorize white families during holiday festivities. The trial itself though is above and beyond what I could have expected. Darrell Brooks has chosen to represent himself and has used sovereign citizen style arguments to try to get himself out of the case at every turn and has done nothing but disrupt the proceedings. I should try to make a supercut of the insanity. It's rather dry but can be extremely humorous at times. For instance, any time the opposing party objects he immediately says "GROUNDS" (sounds like "grounz") before they can even give a reason for their objection.

Highlights include:
  • Brooks argues with the judge every change he can and actively tries to be held in contempt of court
  • Anytime someone says his name, "Darrell Brooks" or "Mr. Brooks" he says "objection I do not consent to being called that name"
  • Brooks objects to every question the prosecution asks with random reasons, usually "Leading" or "Relevancy" even when the questions are not leading or the questions are relevant to something he asked on cross-examination
  • Brooks claims there is no opposing party. The state of Wisconsin is who is prosecuting him since this is a criminal complaint and he tries to ask all witnesses about this and how there is no one accusing him of any crime.
  • Far more stuff I'm failing to recall because this shit is so tiring
Imagine seriously thinking you could represent yourself in a murder trial because you watched lots of Law & Order. Does he seem at all aware that he's actively fucking himself?
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Camel Clutch

Imagine seriously thinking you could represent yourself in a murder trial because you watched lots Law & Order. Does he seem at all aware that he's actively fucking himself?
he was going to be found guilty anyways and they don't have the death penalty. he's famous now and I guarantee he will be getting lots of letters from bitches who will probably send him stuff or put money on his commissary.


he was going to be found guilty anyways and they don't have the death penalty. he's famous now and I guarantee he will be getting lots of letters from bitches who will probably send him stuff or put money on his commissary.
Yeah but a defense attorney could at least put on a serious face and tell the jury racism made him do it



Peaking from behind his fort


Fort assault


Baliff being asked to fish out the jury instructions that darrell trashed

Ive been watching for 3 weeks now and if you can separate that 6 people died, including a child, this trial is one of the most entertaining pieces of media lately. Have to feel for the families though, as he has shown no remorse after making a mockery of the system. Closing arguments were all ME ME ME (opie reference). He also tried to blame the fact that the model of the ford was under recall for throttle issues so thats why he ran over 70 people


View attachment 72990
Peaking from behind his fort

View attachment 72991
Fort assault

View attachment 72992
Baliff being asked to fish out the jury instructions that darrell trashed

Ive been watching for 3 weeks now and if you can separate that 6 people died, including a child, this trial is one of the most entertaining pieces of media lately. Have to feel for the families though, as he has shown no remorse after making a mockery of the system. Closing arguments were all ME ME ME (opie reference). He also tried to blame the fact that the model of the ford was under recall for throttle issues so thats why he ran over 70 people
I just started catching up on it but this had my ribs gaveled.


I just started catching up on it but this had my ribs gaveled.
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
Haha yeah he filled out a paper and for name wrote “State if Wisconsin”. The first defense witness he called “State of Wisconsin”. He would grill witnesses at the end about how an entity can sue a person or if they see the state of Wisconsin in the room, meanwhile the witness is some random girl with no knowledge of law just holding back tears because she is reliving watching people get run over


Haha yeah he filled out a paper and for name wrote “State if Wisconsin”. The first defense witness he called “State of Wisconsin”. He would grill witnesses at the end about how an entity can sue a person or if they see the state of Wisconsin in the room, meanwhile the witness is some random girl with no knowledge of law just holding back tears because she is reliving watching people get run over
Also him staring down the Judge and pounding his fists.