Anyone know how to make a stink bomb or some kind of fart spray fast?



Just get some legit ones overnighted from ebay or Amazon. You can get a pack of like 30 for $16. Just read the reviews and make sure the company hasn't nerfed them. One vial should make a 50 meter radius smell like complete shit for at least 20-30 minutes. We used to set them off in church when I was a wee lad.


We used to set them off in church when I was a wee lad.



Joe's Filipino Supervisor
All these recipes I'm finding take a while to smell. I'm looking for something that could work in 2 hours. Spencers is closed. I have a garden sprayer that can get stuff pretty far, so just some kind of liquid concoction would be great moreso than a bomb.
Amazon search liquid ass, you're welcome


The Backbone of America
My buddy had a potato gun when we were kids. He discovered that KFC salad containers fit perfectly in it. One time his neighbour was having a family reunion and we made it rain coleslaw and macaroni salad on them from a distance. We could hear a shitload of people yell "what the FUCK" and the neighbour be like "IT'S THAT FUCKING SHIT KID WITH THE FUCKING POTATO GUN!" The guy ratted him out to his dad and he got his ass kicked and I got in no trouble at all. Build a potato gun.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Just get some legit ones overnighted from ebay or Amazon. You can get a pack of like 30 for $16. Just read the reviews and make sure the company hasn't nerfed them. One vial should make a 50 meter radius smell like complete shit for at least 20-30 minutes. We used to set them off in church when I was a wee lad.

Yeah I just was looking for something that could be done last night, which turned out to be lightly interfrosting...

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Amazon search liquid ass, you're welcome

I'm aware of it's existence and bought some for a buddy one time like I said earlier:

Last Christmas I bought some for my friend, along with a megaphone and a note that said "ATTENTION EVERYONE, THAT HERMAPHRODITE SHIT ITS PANTS"

I was just needing something for last night. I sprayed as close to them as I could with fish emulsion. I think some noticed but can't be sure. A couple hours later though I hear a bunch of yelling and come out of my garage and tons of these dudes are jumping up on the 3 walls surrounding their back yard and start jumping into other peoples yards. I think they are playing some kind of tag game or something and then a few jump into my backyard and I start yelling at em "hey guys not over here" when my wife comes up to the back door, thinking they were coming after me for spraying shit on them. They start saying "there's shooting going on over there" and I'm like "okay hurry the fuck out of here" and the 2 or 3 dudes went and jumped over my front wall and the chick comes walking to go through my gate by herself lol, the dudes just left her. I could have drug her in my garage and raped her. I ask if the shooting is in the front of the house and she was like no over there indicating like a block away or something. No fuzz ever showed up and I'm pretty sure they were freaking out over a car/motorcycle backfiring that I heard right before the commotion.


Are they also raising chickens in a coop, Anthony?

Here's a sitcom solution that nobody has mentioned -- Hispanics are deathly afraid of the paranormal. If you can convince them that their place is haunted, they will flee like they fled their homeland.