Anyone know how to make a stink bomb or some kind of fart spray fast?

Oogie Farts 1488

🏠420 Friendly + Nigger Farts Welcome💨
wish I would have overnighted it last night. I hear it's really fucked up and lasts a long time. You tried it ever?
liquid ass works really well. It truly smells like a warm shit, its gross. Used it numerous times in school when I was younger and they would shut the bathrooms down because of it. be very careful, if you get splashback on your hands or clothes you will reek too. Its also kind of expensive and you dont get a ton of it, they only sell it in small bottles. Get the stream tip applicator, the mister ones are useless and end up getting all over you. It will work best if you can find a way to spray it indoors or spray it on something like their mail or packages. I used to spray it in the corner and in crevices and shit, it will last hours

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
liquid ass works really well. It truly smells like a warm shit, its gross. Used it numerous times in school when I was younger and they would shut the bathrooms down because of it. be very careful, if you get splashback on your hands or clothes you will reek too. Its also kind of expensive and you dont get a ton of it, they only sell it in small bottles. Get the stream tip applicator, the mister ones are useless and end up getting all over you. It will work best if you can find a way to spray it indoors or spray it on something like their mail or packages. I used to spray it in the corner and in crevices and shit, it will last hours

If I can get it into their backyard, you think it will do anything? I think my fish emulsion got to them a little bit, but not enough for them to just leave lol. I'm thinking of just getting their shit with something in the afternoons so it'll be already there. Last night there weren't that many of them and I figured it'd be easy to shoot stuff over there with no one noticing, but tonight theres a lot of them so I got some in the other neighbors back yard(he's never out there, it will fertilize his trees and that poor lonely fags bedroom is even closer to the nonsense than ours) and in my compost pile adjacent to them. They might have seen me but I'm not sure lol.