Anyone know how to make a stink bomb or some kind of fart spray fast?



All these recipes I'm finding take a while to smell. I'm looking for something that could work in 2 hours. Spencers is closed. I have a garden sprayer that can get stuff pretty far, so just some kind of liquid concoction would be great moreso than a bomb.
Back in the day my friends and I would buy sardines and grind them up in a blender and pour it into the vents in people’s car hood



Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain

I'm no party pooper, and one of the things I like about my neighborhood is no one ever calls the fuzz on peoples loud parties, because everyone only does one like once or twice a year. However, these retarded mexican kids back and to the left of my house have taken to having loudness til 2am or later quite regularly and their shithead Mexi-polka does not go good with wife and 1 year old trying to sleep and me writing solid gold hits. They Mexi-polka'd it til 1am last night and are firing it up again. I don't want to hurt anyone and rather than yelling at them or having a sound war against them, I'd like to just turn them against eachother or at least against the dude whose faggot house they are at.


I'm no party pooper, and one of the things I like about my neighborhood is no one ever calls the fuzz on peoples loud parties, because everyone only does one like once or twice a year. However, these retarded mexican kids back and to the left of my house have taken to having loudness til 2am or later quite regularly and their shithead Mexi-polka does not go good with wife and 1 year old trying to sleep and me writing solid gold hits. They Mexi-polka'd it til 1am last night and are firing it up again. I don't want to hurt anyone and rather than yelling at them or having a sound war against them, I'd like to just turn them against eachother or at least against the dude whose faggot house they are at.

Bomb those motherfuckers!

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Befriend them, then show up whenever they have a party and join in the good times. If you post here you're probably retarded enough that they will eventually keep the noise down enough to stop you finding out they're celebrating.
How many times in a month would it take for you to respond?


I'm no party pooper, and one of the things I like about my neighborhood is no one ever calls the fuzz on peoples loud parties, because everyone only does one like once or twice a year. However, these retarded mexican kids back and to the left of my house have taken to having loudness til 2am or later quite regularly and their shithead Mexi-polka does not go good with wife and 1 year old trying to sleep and me writing solid gold hits. They Mexi-polka'd it til 1am last night and are firing it up again. I don't want to hurt anyone and rather than yelling at them or having a sound war against them, I'd like to just turn them against eachother or at least against the dude whose faggot house they are at.

call the cops and don't stop until all the mexicans are back in there home land

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I'm no party pooper, and one of the things I like about my neighborhood is no one ever calls the fuzz on peoples loud parties, because everyone only does one like once or twice a year. However, these retarded mexican kids back and to the left of my house have taken to having loudness til 2am or later quite regularly and their shithead Mexi-polka does not go good with wife and 1 year old trying to sleep and me writing solid gold hits. They Mexi-polka'd it til 1am last night and are firing it up again. I don't want to hurt anyone and rather than yelling at them or having a sound war against them, I'd like to just turn them against eachother or at least against the dude whose faggot house they are at.
An anonymous tip off to ICE could resolve this dilemma of yours.