Anyone following the World Baseball Classic?



USA hate? I'm probably the proudest American on the board, and I'm a dark skinned Puerto Rican.

I just know better baseball teams and and fan bases.

As Sir Paul said earlier, the Japs play like the US used to play in the 80s, which was quicker and more fundamental based compared to how it is now.

And have you ever seen a regular NPB game on TV? The fans are alive and actually into the game. Bands are playing, flags are waving, chants are going and is a better overall atmosphere.

The Japs said it themselves. They admire the United States and respect and admire the sport of Baseball so much and the way they play proves that.
Japan earned it. They will always be on the A list of teams


I’m fucking pissed and we should have won. Plus, what the fuck, have some fucking pride
It's hard to have pride when you know the team you're rooting for doesn't have the same pride.

I hate using the this word, but LITERALLY half the population of Japan has watched the series. I can't even imagine how low American viewership was of this series in the early stages. There's a reason ESPN didn't take the rights to broadcast.

Next one is in 2026 and I wonder which new countries will join, I'm guessing Argentina or Brazil.

I watched some of the qualifier matches recently and seen Pakistan had a team going through the rounds lol.


I think its pretty cool how much they love and respect the sport. Their culture didnt accept many outside influences when it was introduced to them.
My friend married a Japanese woman who is about 10 years older than us and when I met her he said just casually said I liked baseball and she immediately starting talking to me about baseball. I had never had a woman talk to me about sports who actually knew what she was talking about. Talked about the NPB and even talked about how popular Ichiro was in the 90s in Japan.

You think Americans are fond of Babe Ruth? Japs LOVE him.


It's hard to have price when you know the team you're rooting for doesn't have the same pride.

I hate using the this word, but LITERALLY half the population of Japan has watched the series. I can't even imagine how low American viewership was of this series in the early stages. There's a reason ESPN didn't take the rights to broadcast.

Next one is in 2026 and I wonder which new countries will join, I'm guessing Argentina or Brazil.

I watched some of the qualifier matches recently and seen Pakistan had a team going through the rounds lol.
This is why its not a big deal here.... every other baseball playing country gets their best players to play, this was the best offensive team the US ever put together but the starting pitchers were garbage. those other countries view this as big as the world cup. mom of our faggot players needed to begged to play and still couldn't get a half decent rotation together. Credit to guys who did play though...


This is why its not a big deal here.... every other baseball playing country gets their best players to play, this was the best offensive team the US ever put together but the starting pitchers were garbage. those other countries view this as big as the world cup. mom of our faggot players needed to begged to play and still couldn't get a half decent rotation together. Credit to guys who did play though...
Couple of players have said playing in the WBC is more important than playing in the World Series. Including players who have played in both series and have won a WS.

They don't even get paid to do the WBC.


It's crazy to think Randy Arozarena was paid something like $38 a month to play baseball in Cuba at the professional level.

Nigga defected to Mexico, played phenomenally in the WBC and made a bunch of new fans. Hopefully the Ray's fans keep showing him love during the season.


I am mad.
I'm mad Ohtani struck out Trout.
I'm mad more Americas don't care about this, while literally 60M Japs and however many Koreans, Taiwanese, and Chinks are watching this.
I'm mad we have no pitching.
I'm also just an angry Boston fan. You should ignore everything I say.
You nailed it. Proud of usa but proud of the sport too.


I can't agree more.

Felger & Mazz on Boston sports radio today argued that the USA had to lose tonight for the good of the game - so that the US will be pissed off and step up. In that case, they were anticipating an influx of pride, commitment, and sacrifice from US stars to devote themselves to making and contributing to the national team (like US basketball stars did after our embarrassing Olympic loss in 2004).

They may be right. The Pacific Rim and Latin America LOVE baseball, so there's a market for this tournament and money to be made, even if the USA hasn't figured it out yet.

This game was on FS1 in the US, and I bet more people in Boston watched the Bruins tonight than this baseball game. A shame. At least a few hundred million humans watched this game tonight. The MLB needs to get with the times and figure out how to market baseball to Americans.
As an ex baseball guy, the 2017 wbc win was probably top three proudest games.