Anyone else unironically try to copy Hitler's life?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
No fucking shit, dummy. There were millions of buffalo before we wiped them out and made them "rare". There were horses in America before the redskins wiped them out.
It's almost like somebody should have preserved them and farmed them. What a concept!
Dolphins also gang rape other dolphins and animals, you're cool with that?
What do you want me to do, take them to court?

Can you live without killing animals? Yeah, probably, then do it. Plent of humans have done it.
Maybe you can live or survive without killing animals, but not to the full optimization of your health.

Your ancestors, my ancestors, the distant ones we never met: they hunted down beasts, and they risked their own lives to feed their tribe. If it were possible to subsist at as great a level as possible by merely eating vegetation, then why didn't they do it? It's fucking inadequate. Responsible people in communities with women and children provide them with the greatest sustenance, not something to merely survive on.

The macro-nutrients necessary for thriving, not just surviving, are fat and protein. Carbs and sugars are unnecessary. Animal products' nutrients are bio-available to humans; plants' nutrients are not completely. Do you understand this?

Do you understand that many vegetables are packed with naturally occurring toxins such as oxalate and lectins? If you are aware, then what do you suggest humans eat on a daily basis?

You're so not winning this argument. And I'm soooo eating a juicy steak tomorrow and getting no fibre and plenty of cholesterol that will SOOOO give me a heart attack. Enjoy your chickpeas.

Seriously though, I'm trying to help. I appreciate that you want to be Hitler, but veganism is not the way.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
If only all debates ended like this.
I know.

But maybe, if Hitler wasn't a stupid vegetarian... I dunno, it's possible the guy was an agent of the Bank of England anyway. #TragedyAndHope No seriously, that's what Bill Clinton's mentor posited.


What do you want me to do, take them to court?
Throw the fuckin' book at em



Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I gave up smoking and drinking to not weaken my Aryan blood and will. Bathe several times a day. Read a book a day, watch a film a night, and follow a vegetarian diet. All in all it's done really good for me. Lost 150 pounds, at least. Thinking about getting a German Shepherd for a guide dog. If I do I'm definitely calling him Blondi.
Don't forget painting and no sex having


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Redpill me on this...Did he make it to that nazi base on Anartica?

The only funny business I can remember learning regarding his death is that "his" bones that were held by the soviets were bullshit.
That's all western propaganda, we were just pissed the commies beat us to him and got to kill him


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Google says he had chicken and rice and was offered cigarettes but declined. Where did you get Doritos nigga