Anyone else unironically try to copy Hitler's life?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I...I just need yeast or seaweed... b...bitch!
Seriously, though, meat of any kind uses way more resources, they have to eat about 10 times the caloric imput they produce.
Not really. Here's a simplistic but quick video on how the resources required to sustain a vegan diet is unrealistic. I'll point out, too, that industries such as wheat and grain harvesting not only waste hectares upon hectares of natural land for food that isn't even considered healthy any more, but it destroys the land that many animals live on and kills many smaller mammals.

And I disagree that eating meat uses more resources. Hypothetically, if I could preserve it for as long as I wanted, meat from one cow could sustain a human for nearly three years. All they have to eat is grass. Or, to put it another way, if a cow weighs 700 kg and 400 kg is usable for humans (I don't know how much the bones weigh, but they too can be put to use) then one cow could feed 800 people. Not only would that give them more than adequate fat, protein, B12, vitamin C, etc. but it's not likely you'd need to supplement that with more food.

If I were to go without meat, my diet would be based primarily on eggs with some feta thrown in.

Vegetables are garbage, nutritionally speaking; we're supposed to eat them in lieu of animal products or in times of fasting, and that's what the vegan diet is: a perpetual fast where you deteriorate before your time.

Also, Hitler was a manlet.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Not really. Here's a simplistic but quick video on how the resources required to sustain a vegan diet is unrealistic. I'll point out, too, that industries such as wheat and grain harvesting not only waste hectares upon hectares of natural land for food that isn't even considered healthy any more, but it destroys the land that many animals live on and kills many smaller mammals.

And I disagree that eating meat uses more resources. Hypothetically, if I could preserve it for as long as I wanted, meat from one cow could sustain a human for nearly three years. All they have to eat is grass. Or, to put it another way, if a cow weighs 700 kg and 400 kg is usable for humans (I don't know how much the bones weigh, but they too can be put to use) then one cow could feed 800 people. Not only would that give them more than adequate fat, protein, B12, vitamin C, etc. but it's not likely you'd need to supplement that with more food.

If I were to go without meat, my diet would be based primarily on eggs with some feta thrown in.

Vegetables are garbage, nutritionally speaking; we're supposed to eat them in lieu of animal products or in times of fasting, and that's what the vegan diet is: a perpetual fast where you deteriorate before your time.

Also, Hitler was a manlet.

I don't eat grain, child. But statistically Jains live the longest in India, over 80 years on average. Bones are about 20% of body weight across all quadrupeds. You know as well as I do we don't feed cattle grass, usually. Even if it was more wasteful the point is I don't want to fucking hurt animals. You'd look at me cross-eyed if I roasted a dog.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
You know as well as I do we don't feed cattle grass, usually. Even if it was more wasteful the point is I don't want to fucking hurt animals.
There are still many farms in the US and over the globe that strictly feed their cattle grass, even though some will fatten them up with grain in the last four months. It's just a matter of looking for them.

I know what you're saying, but my point is that veganism is more harmful to animals overall because of the wastage of resources. You said you'd be crazy for roasting a dog, sure, but you'd be worse if you fed a dog a vegan diet. Consequently, if the facts bear out that we're obligate carnivores, then depriving yourself or encouraging other human beings to give up meat is even worse.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Wish I had a fuckable niece.
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On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
There are still many farms in the US and over the globe that strictly feed their cattle grass, even though some will fatten them up with grain in the last four months. It's just a matter of looking for them.

I know what you're saying, but my point is that veganism is more harmful to animals overall because of the wastage of resources. You said you'd be crazy for roasting a dog, sure, but you'd be worse if you fed a dog a vegan diet. Consequently, if the facts bear out that we're obligate carnivores, then depriving yourself or encouraging other human beings to give up meat is even worse.
It is not "some" that feed them corn or grain, it's a fact of industrialized meat production. There is no fucking way we're obligate carnivores. Literally no great ape is. I wouldn't feed a dog a vegan diet, nor would I stop him from fucking a dog. That isn't an argument for me to fuck dogs.
Here's a fun fact, 96% of the weight of all mammals is just humans and their livestock. Only 4% is made up of whales, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, gorillas, moose, etc.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
It is not "some" that feed them corn or grain, it's a fact of industrialized meat production. There is no fucking way we're obligate carnivores. Literally no great ape is. I wouldn't feed a dog a vegan diet, nor would I stop him from fucking a dog. That isn't an argument for me to fuck dogs.
Here's a fun fact, 96% of the weight of all mammals is just humans and their livestock. Only 4% is made up of whales, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, gorillas, moose, etc.
I bet those whales, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, gorillas and mooses would taste delicious though!

Let's make the weight of all humans and their livestock 100%!
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Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I wouldn't feed a dog a vegan diet, nor would I stop him from fucking a dog. That isn't an argument for me to fuck dogs.
There is no fucking way we're obligate carnivores. Literally no great ape is.
Are we apes, or are we humans?

Just recently a mother got sentenced for killing her child because she fed him/her nothing but a vegan diet. What do you make of that? Do you honestly believe humans can thrive physically on a vegan diet as opposed to a diet that includes animal foods?

Come on man, you're making me start to hate Hitler here.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
It is not "some" that feed them corn or grain, it's a fact of industrialized meat production.
I'm not a fan of the big meat industries that don't treat their cattle properly. They're fucking shit, and people should get their meat from a farm or from a reputable butcher that sources its meat from a good farm. This is seen as inconvenient for most, but I oppose processed foods as much as possible.

Here's a fun fact, 96% of the weight of all mammals is just humans and their livestock. Only 4% is made up of whales, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, gorillas, moose, etc.

But that's selective anyway. Whales and dolphins eat other life. Surely you're not attributing the shortage of rarer animals to humans eating animals other than them?


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
I'm not a fan of the big meat industries that don't treat their cattle properly. They're fucking shit, and people should get their meat from a farm or from a reputable butcher that sources its meat from a good farm. This is seen as inconvenient for most, but I oppose processed foods as much as possible.


But that's selective anyway. Whales and dolphins eat other life. Surely you're not attributing the shortage of rarer animals to humans eating animals other than them? you're attributing the shortage of "rarer" animals.
No fucking shit, dummy. There were millions of buffalo before we wiped them out and made them "rare". There were horses in America before the redskins wiped them out. Dolphins also gang rape other dolphins and animals, you're cool with that?
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On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Are we apes, or are we humans?

Just recently a mother got sentenced for killing her child because she fed him/her nothing but a vegan diet. What do you make of that? Do you honestly believe humans can thrive physically on a vegan diet as opposed to a diet that includes animal foods?

Come on man, you're making me start to hate Hitler here.
Humans are apes, retard. Did you think we were in the horse family? Look at your goddamn hands, what family do you think we're in? Of course you should feed a baby breast milk, I'm not Fatrick. You're arguing edge cases. Can you live without killing animals? Yeah, probably, then do it. Plent of humans have done it.