Any brothermen History buffs?



Love reading about The Roman Republic, the period from The Punic Wars to the ascension of Augustus as emperor has to be one of the most fascinating periods in human history.

Where my Sulla niggers at?

Indeed such a fascinating period, so much drama and backstabbing. Weird to think that was only a little more than 2000 years ago. Sometimes i can’t really fathom that that all really happened. That they walked the same earth as us and breathed the same air. With the same struggles as we had. Albeit under different circumstances.


Love reading about The Roman Republic, the period from The Punic Wars to the ascension of Augustus as emperor has to be one of the most fascinating periods in human history.

Where my Sulla niggers at?
Hey Shutyourcakehorn...did Hannibal even exist? Can elephants cross the Alps? Fuck no. Can you even guide African elephants into a single file so that they are systematically crossing thru narrow Mountain paths? Hell no, not even the most tamed circus elephant (which are always Asian, and hence unavailable for use as cavalry for Hannibal's Numidians) has the nerve to do that.

The Punic wars an all that shit were Enlightenment myths written up by Incel Jesuit Monks locked up in their 17th century castles. They're mostly based off of the medieval wars with the Saracens and Moors.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Hey Shutyourcakehorn...did Hannibal even exist? Can elephants cross the Alps? Fuck no. Can you even guide African elephants into a single file so that they are systematically crossing thru narrow Mountain paths? Hell no, not even the most tamed circus elephant (which are always Asian, and hence unavailable for use as cavalry for Hannibal's Numidians) has the nerve to do that.

The Punic wars an all that shit were Enlightenment myths written up by Incel Jesuit Monks locked up in their 17th century castles. They're mostly based off of the medieval wars with the Saracens and Moors.


Huge history buff here...If there's ever a particular person, era, or westeren civilization you'd like to know more about, I can always recommend a good book or youtube video/channel.

Dovahhatty is fun, but jewtube cucked him, so now he's too scared to continue his Roman history series as he's at the Muslim period.


Dan Carlin's podcast series on WWI is insanely well done.

Haven’t listened to that one yet, it’s quite a long one, 23 hours. So far i’ve only listened to the one about Roman Republic and the Celtic Holocaust and the one about Jan van Leiden. Enjoyed those quite a bit. I will give the WW1 series by Carlin a go 👍


Haven’t listened to that one yet, it’s quite a long one, 23 hours. So far i’ve only listened to the one about Roman Republic and the Celtic Holocaust and the one about Jan van Leiden. Enjoyed those quite a bit. I will give the WW1 series by Carlin a go 👍
Like many, I got into history via interest in WWII when I was young, but now I have very little interest in history after the 17th century, so I was skeptical that his WWI series would hold my interest, but it did...I rank it up there with his Mongols series.


Like many, I got into history via interest in WWII when I was young, but now I have very little interest in history after the 17th century, so I was skeptical that his WWI series would hold my interest, but it did...I rank it up there with his Mongols series.

I really like the Roman era, especially the Republic. Where i live, just at the former North-West border of the Roman Empire and Germania there are so many remnants of that period.


I really like the Roman era, especially the Republic. Where i live, just at the former North-West border of the Roman Empire and Germania there are so many remnants of that period.
Are you in Belgium or the Netherlands?


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Dan Carlin's podcast series on WWI is insanely well done.

Love me some Hardcore History, really liked his series King of Kings about The Achaemenid Empire and the Greco-Persian Wars.

His retelling of the feud between Sulla and Marius in Death Throes of the Republic is also a highlight for me.