All I ever asked from Anthony is for him to drop the fucking "my life is awesome! ha ha ho-lee-shit!" routine.
If he could tell the truth- that he's made mistakes, and things aren't perfect- then I would be on his side today.
But instead he turned into Opie. Everything is a radio war. For Opie, everything is a war against Howard. Can't show weakness or else Howard wins (when, in reality, Howard doesn't care).
For Anthony, at least after 2014, everything is a war against the very idea that life isn't 100% great 100% of the time. Can't show weakness, can't express regret, gotta be adored by every member of your gay little entourage, or else the universe wins (when, in reality, the universe doesn't care).
Just fucking admit you fucked up when you got fired, admit you drink too much, admit you're plagued with anxiety because your father was an abusive monster. We're not going to pounce on you if you do that, we're not going to declare victory, we're just going to go, "yeah, our lives suck, too. Everyone's does. It's called being human. Asshole."