Another lawsuit in the works? Or just drunk bravado?


Stand Alone Fruit
Let’s be serious here - this is last ditch attempt at any fame. He’s out of ideas, his writing career is dead so now it’s “IM A VICTIM TOO! PLEASE GIVE ME ATTENTION AND WORK!” He’s been trying to be the (fat) face of internet bullying which is why he’s such an overdramatic woman. People call him fat and laugh at his antics but he cries PRISON! EVERYONE I DONT LIKE HAS TO GO TO JAIL! IM SERIOUS!

This whole battle is his entire life, it’s all he thinks and talks about to anyone with ears. He thinks this is what will make him a big famous people.


Looks like KF is getting battered. Anyone in the telegram see any updates?



I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High
Killing kiwifarms doesn't kill the lolcow discussion, it just migrates that activity to whatever the next iteration is.

All it does is remove Null and replace him with some other guy that wants to be admin. Maybe you get a couple rule changes and have to register an account at lol.cow or whatever it'll be.


Troon DDoS attack
There is a malicious actor phoning in bogus threats to police to trigger armed responses on innocent people's homes.

"SWAT'ing" has around for a decade. In the last two years, it has become very common. I cannot think of a single online entity (myself included) who has not been visited by police under totally bogus pretenses which were deliberately instigated by a bad actor.

In a sane world, this would be ignored. From experience, not publicizing these things has stopped them from happening. However, those responsible have picked targets with political and financial interests in this attention. They will take this event and blast it out as loudly as possible to embolden and grow their support base. The truth of who is behind it no longer matters, and the perpetrator becomes whoever/whatever is most convenient.

Even this community makes these irrational assumptions. Every time another person says they've been targeted, people jump to accuse them of doing it to themselves. This is also very unlikely.

These actions are felonies and can carry attempted murder charges. They are not being done haphazardly and the targets are not being picked arbitrarily. In the reports I've seen, the perpetrator is using a modern text-to-speech voice synthesizer to respond to 911 operators in real time, to where it becomes indistinguishable from human conversation. This façade convinces the operator the call is genuine without compromising the perpetrator's identity.

This is a recurrent threat and not random happenstance. I can handle men in drag screaming about us. I am not sure I can handle this. There is a person - or group of people - committing serious felonies almost every day using sophisticated masks in an effort to draw fire on us. I can't stop it, the Government can't stop it, and the victims don't care about the truth. The Twitter mob will take any problem and opportunistically use it against us. Congresswoman Greene did not take one second to think about threats attributed to the forum before accepting them as true and demanding we be shut down by force of law on television.

At this moment, nobody is talking to us. None of our service providers are answering emails. Congresswoman Greene, her staffers, and the police have not reached out. This extortion racket is being pulled off successfully. I worry that those parties now believe we should be sacrificed just to get this threat to stop. It is probably easier for the powers-that-be to kill the site than it is for the police to find and stop whoever is doing this.

Our recent downtime has not been due to a DDoS attack. Upstream service is faltering randomly and I can't get anyone to explain why. The DDoS attack from the troon squad has been mitigated since it started on Friday. The outages seem completely unrelated.


Faggot Boqposter

Dangerously sassy
It wouldn't surprise me if there is a frivolous class action being drafted.

If I were Null I would seriously consider wrapping it up. He's going to be frivolously sued until he's broke, then the feds are going to charge him with shit he didn't do, and he will have no way of defending himself because he spent all his money fighting frivolous cases brought on by trannies. And unlike in civil court, the feds have unlimited money to dig into your life and go after you, and don't have to pay your attorney's fees if you are found to be innocent.
To be fair to our trans friends, the people who have caused josh the most damage legally are not trannies.

Melinda Scott sued him like 8 times and our retarded legal system allowed that whore to continue to sue him for no reason.

Also Russell Greer who is even crazier, dumber and more narcissistic than pat is allowed to file his ridiculous law suits over and over without punishment