Annual O&A census

When did you start listening to the show?

  • 1994 - 1998 (WBAB, WAAF)

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 1998 - 2004 (WNEW)

    Votes: 15 15.2%
  • 2004 - 2009 (XM old studio)

    Votes: 30 30.3%
  • 2009 - 2014 (XM final years)

    Votes: 32 32.3%
  • 2014 onward (16, knows dick about radio, etc.)

    Votes: 21 21.2%

  • Total voters


Still spreading the O&A virus

Di was a holdover from WNEW and I don’t really lump her in with the one note retards they loved to fill the show with on XM. I know Bobo is generally popular here but I just got bored of him instantly and couldn’t stand how much time they gave to him overall even if there were good bits along the way.
You also have to remember with Bobo that Anthony allegedly molested his underage sister. So they kept him on the show and gave him air time and prizes to buy some silence from the family. Someone who is all in on the Anthony lore can show that one creepy convicted weirdo who used to hang around Bobo and the Compound family. I stopped following Anthony one month into his Compound show and never looked back so I missed the entire O&A subreddit onslaught that the pests put on him.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
"Hey man, check these guys out, they're really funny. I gotta go pay some bills and then pick up my biological son from school - we saw a stolen bike and are returning it to its rightful owner and I'm going to surprise him with this baseball cap I got him after I crease the brim a little bit so it doesn't look ridiculous. Then we're going to go home and share a non-fruit-based soda with my wife who I live with. Welp, I'd better get going - like I always say, 'if you're not early, you're late'! "
Me: i am detecting some sarcasm there


Never listened on radio. Listening to enough comedians on jewtube and O&A would get suggested which is how I found out about them. They were never popular outside the northeast despite what Opie and some users will claim.

"Duuhhhh we got the pests out west *buuurp"

Do ya?


when perez hilton got punched by’s manager the story got reported on wwtdd and they posted a clip of patrice talking about the situation on O&A

haaaa... I was actually working for Fergie and when this happened and knew Polo (Will's manager), when i heard them talk about it on the radio i asked Polo about it, he laughed and called Perez a Faggot...


Never listened on radio. Listening to enough comedians on jewtube and O&A would get suggested which is how I found out about them. They were never popular outside the northeast despite what Opie and some users will claim.

"Duuhhhh we got the pests out west *buuurp"

Do ya?
It's true. I left the NE in 2014 and have causally asked a few people over the years if they had heard about Opie and Anthony and never once did someone say they knew them.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I listened to Stern as a teen until he went to satellite.

I did listen to the O&A “muh vagina” ripping of Emily Stern. I saw Howard go on Geraldo or Larry king trying to put out that fire.

I didn’t listen daily until I got a car with XM. It took me a while to warm up to it but one day they did this Ramone bit with a guy who wrote a book about not cussing.

The bit was funny but what put it over the top for me was that the author of that book was such an easy target and they still hit him so hard.

nothing on radio like it before or since.


I got XM in my car and the first OnA show I listened to happened to be their first day back on FM, where they would do the regular radio show and then switch over.

I had the XM radio that you could pop off the mount in the car so I’d take it into work with me every day and listen to OnA and then Ron and fez at my desk. Luckily I had an easy job back then that I could do while listening to the radio.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Lady Di's internship, which was 2014, is still one of the funniest moments on the entire show. Her being allowed in interviews with serious guests like the actor from Game of Thrones was so hysterical that both Opie and Anthony could not even keep a straight face in the interview. And her violently shitting all over the employee bathroom while actress America Ferrara watched it and reported it to security still makes me laugh every single time I think about it.

Bobo also had some of the most legendary moments on the show. Him being the fugitive and getting arrested. Him meeting his twitter girlfriend and then Kenny blocking him and him melting down is classic. Him losing the fitness challenge and then being banned from the show. Bobo versus the Virus contest. I am sure that there are many others.
The internship is arguable some of the best radio in history. Let’s not forget, it was Col’s idea. Jimmy and Anthony both complained about it but Opie immediately says it’s genius. If there’s one thing the destroyer is right about, it’s he doesn’t get enough credits for da bits. He allowed or created a lot of them.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
You also have to remember with Bobo that Anthony allegedly molested his underage sister. So they kept him on the show and gave him air time and prizes to buy some silence from the family. Someone who is all in on the Anthony lore can show that one creepy convicted weirdo who used to hang around Bobo and the Compound family. I stopped following Anthony one month into his Compound show and never looked back so I missed the entire O&A subreddit onslaught that the pests put on him.
Kurt Love, AKA Jeffrey Hollander, convicted pedophile. He was on the show at one point if I remember right, but he was for sure mentioned. The pests started saying Bobo died and left behind Kurt Love. Hilarious bit. Anyways Joe is heard in a video with him probably at his house and did mention he was at AntHs house before and at compound parties. He claims they didn’t know, which you might have friends who are pedophiles no one’s actively looking up peoples shit. He also claims that once they found out he’s been excommunicated, giving JoeH the benefit of the doubt he’s probably being honest. He’s a fat retard. AntH probably still talks to Kurt and just tells Joe he doesn’t. We’re all such faggots for knowing any of this.
First heard them in 2015, on the recommendation of a co-worker. He had been a Stern fan and told me they blew Howie out of the water. First thing I ever listened to was the Mel Gibson tapes with Patrice. My co-worker was right, O and A were so much better than Howard.
I started listening around 2010 on YouTube.
I was really into Bill Burr's stand up and wanted more content. Found him on da show and got into listening to o&a bits and uploaded shows with the cellar guys. Never listened to it live, though.

I always hated the shock jock shit. Even in my early 20s I thought it was fucking gay.