Annabelle's dad lives


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His squealing about control is very telling. It’s why he thinks gets to order us around with his copy/paste. It’s why he desperately needs to get the last word every time. It’s why he cannot admit to any fault or lie of his. He thinks if he “maintains control” then nobody can outflank him even as he takes haymakers from every direction. It’s his whole political philosophy as well, just desperately trying to control everything, oinking orders about things he has no power over.

Big, fat sociopathic megalomaniac. He’s the worst if all human traits. Luckily he is too fat and stupid to gain any real power in life.


You will never see my penis
Not trying to steer the ship here but why shit on the Booms when he brings gold?


The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
So that fag voiced Philly soy boy is mocking my voice? " They heeeve no payooov fuer this woooorthliss litigation" Yecch lol, Makes sense though those pussies are always sad they got the shitty city. Fucking lotta shit hole places in South Jersey explains a lot. I'll have to ignore him now.
Or, Pat Junior, he's lying to you to get you to start shit with other forum people and you fell for it without hesitation. You are being trolled. Think about how Pat would respond and do the opposite for once.

You and him are shitting up an otherwise great Pat-bashing thread with this gay back and forth.


Or, Pat Junior, he's lying to you to get you to start shit with other forum people and you fell for it without hesitation. You are being trolled. Think about how Pat would respond and do the opposite for once.

You and him are shitting up an otherwise great Pat-bashing thread with this gay back and forth.
I can tell you this going hard on Pat is more fun, just another reason to ignore some people, but Pat isn't just the replies, it's also the lack of dynamic responses. I may be gullible for replying, but it isn't an endless, "no I'm not", repeat catch phrase, ignore actual original post, and then repeat whole cycle. The fun of Pat isn't his always replying so much as it is his failure to ever not entrap himself in a contradiction in every conversation when he answers in anything but the copy pasta. He's uniquely retarded.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high


This is fucking beautiful. No clue how you get under his skin so well.

I theorize that he perceives you as an unintelligent idiot due to your “conversational” speech to text. This in turn frustrates him immensely, because if he really was such a special smart boy, surely he could best you. But he can’t. So he seethes. Good.
He can be steered into contradictions easier than any broad I used to mind fuck when I was anti-marriage and family as dumb 20 something. If he wasn't so utterly contemptible on his twitter feed, I'd feel bad for him. I would have to go over and say sorry, listen I just want you to be better, but in reality i hate him so much that I don't want that. I want to cause his end of life cardiac event.


He can be steered into contradictions easier than any broad I used to mind fuck when I was anti-marriage and family as dumb 20 something. If he wasn't so utterly contemptible on his twitter feed, I'd feel bad for him. I would have to go over and say sorry, listen I just want you to be better, but in reality i hate him so much that I don't want that. I want to cause his end of life cardiac event.
Thank god someone like you is there to stage a protest against this very famous, special public figure


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
View attachment 47221

Sane people say shit like that, it's their thing.

Those two lines:
I am the most sane person you will ever encouter...
What are you, stlaker?

Those two lines have a real L. Ron Hubbard feel to them. He was another fat idiot who claimed to be a bunch of shit he wasn't; and also felt that if you disagreed with him it was because you were mentally ill. He'd also ask those open-ended "what are you atalker?" type questions to avoid criticism.

Accusing us of all being mentally ill Nazis is classic Hubbard "Dead Agenting".


Those two lines:

Those two lines have a real L. Ron Hubbard feel to them. He was another fat idiot who claimed to be a bunch of shit he wasn't; and also felt that if you disagreed with him it was because you were mentally ill. He'd also ask those open-ended "what are you atalker?" type questions to avoid criticism.

Accusing us of all being mentally ill Nazis is classic Hubbard "Dead Agenting".
Would make more sense that the church of Scientology bankrolled the lawsuit tbhya.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
if you like to do your own research, read up on the coonection between L Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, Jack's whore wife, Mr Crowley from that sabbitch song & the great beast 666. shinkleboutit