She hasn’t posted anything on her “furniture store” page since Feb. Fat lazy bitch lost interest in her latest “passion” pretty quick. She didn’t even fix up anything - just would go to thrift store places, by some old shit from the 70s - 80s and then Jack up the price like she’s flipping houses.
This sums up her awful work ethic
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According to her working is stupid and wrong so she’s not going to do it. She’s also bragged about what she will get when her parents die like that isn’t a really bad look.
Feel bad for her parents, they know they’re stuck taking care of her for as long as they’re gonna live. My dad just turned 65 and he’s been working to wind everything down (selling his successful business / putting people in charge of his former position, etc) and I couldn’t imagine someone who refused to work so they’re parents have to keep working to support their fat bum daughter who I think is mid to late 30s. Pretty clear the “she’ll marry someone rich that will take care of her financially” ship sailed long ago.
They can’t even cut off / tough love because it’s clear she can’t be responsible to be on her own and will just make things worse.