A Half-House Divided


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
The family reveal has been something I never expected, I guess this is what Pat means when he says he “talks” to many military members about whatever is in the news related to the military, he means his cousin that probably ignores him.
Pat's many, many friends in the services who back up all his idiocy are actually his cousin who probably hates him, his other cousin who probably hates him and Niki's brother who was in the Army Reserves.




Which distant relative is an LEO who also probably hates Pat?


looking for a vehicle
It's funny how you can see the resemblance to Pat in Jake Raven but the Patty Puff and the smile don't seem ridiculous or disgusting on him.
It's like when that rascal put pics of fatso's face through that handsome filter
Does this insecure fruit know how easy it is to touch a woman? Get a haircut.
I think someone may have ruined that for him.