10 hours to go until RobertMewler's life is a living hell, thanks to Dan Mullen.



I found some info about that (no joke). I can dm you the info if you’d like
I don't think you should actually be doxxing people, but general info like her not even owning a home is fair game or if she lives on MLK Drive in any city lol.
Nigga don’t dox a brotherwoman, come on. That will actually ruin this place.
Well I got a few threats and only you showed any concern, you are correct that is not a good thing, but if she's living in a section 8 slum, we can learn that without the specifics.



I love that character. I've always wanted to end up as a crotchety old grouch telling shitheads to get off my lawn.


She got a very sternly worded private message from NPA.
I thought you were joshing around but I just saw the other thread and it's true.

Dead cat yumor.


Well I got a few threats and only you showed any concern
Someone threatened you, Boomia?

I love that character. I've always wanted to end up as a crotchety old grouch telling shitheads to get off my lawn.
I'd like to see that character rewritten as a chink living next to whites. They invite him over for Thanksgiving and he's "No thank you. Goodbye now." and shuts the door on them. The neighbors daughter is about to get raped by the urbans and he just drives right past. "Not my probrem." Instead of Gran Torino it's Toyota Camry.


I thought you were joshing around but I just saw the other thread and it's true.

Dead cat yumor.


Someone threatened you, Boomia?

I'd like to see that character rewritten as a chink living next to whites. They invite him over for Thanksgiving and he's "No thank you. Goodbye now." and shuts the door on them. The neighbors daughter is about to get raped by the urbans and he just drives right past. "Not my probrem." Instead of Gran Torino it's Toyota Camry.

The scene at the barber shop would be silent aside from some annoying grunting sounds


The scene at the barber shop would be silent aside from some annoying grunting sounds
His kids visit and they're all really polite and respectful. The grandkids are impressed with how few options his Camry had from the factory. "So sensible! Base models are much more economical!"

Is this a wall convention? Fucking rough.
I bet they all cross their arms when Kelsey Cook sits down with them.


I haven't been following this shit, it seems really gay. Are you still the forums villain or have you managed to skate by? lol
Ill break da forf wall, boomia is just the actor that plays covid cumia. It's his on-forum personality.
He's actually a family man with a perchance of causing havoc
you guys don't remember his heel bit? made lots of overlords seethe here