10 hours to go until RobertMewler's life is a living hell, thanks to Dan Mullen.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt

He always has been a thin skinned faggot, any form of criticisms on his podcast from the chat and he will act like a passive agressive little cunt.

Or he will throw a 15 minute hissy fit because someone said something that hurt his fragile little ego.

It seems he isn't any different on the forum, everything is all right as long as you blow smoke up his ass, but when any form of criticism comes his way he becomes this snarky little cunt.

Him and Pat aren't that different in that respect.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
He always has been a thin skinned faggot, any form of criticisms on his podcast from the chat and he will act like a passive agressive little cunt.

Or he will throw a 15 minute hissy fit because someone said something that hurt his fragile little ego.

It seems he isn't any different on the forum, everything is all right as long as you blow smoke up his ass, but when any form of criticism comes his way he becomes this snarky little cunt.

Him and Pat aren't that different in that respect.

I have a bad temper, too, but I come to this place to laugh. It's all a joke. These forums are a joke. The podcast is a joke.
Mew's a fat Chinese. Boomia is a fat guinea canuck. I'm. fucking. my brother's. girlfriend's. daughter.
Let's have fun, share Sue Lightning jerkoff gifs, and stop being cornballs about everything.
But mostly share gifs.


He always has been a thin skinned faggot, any form of criticisms on his podcast from the chat and he will act like a passive agressive little cunt.

Or he will throw a 15 minute hissy fit because someone said something that hurt his fragile little ego.

It seems he isn't any different on the forum, everything is all right as long as you blow smoke up his ass, but when any form of criticism comes his way he becomes this snarky little cunt.

Him and Pat aren't that different in that respect.
Hey Pat even suggested I apologize to him today, the art (Pat) is imitating the real life (Dan) now. The lines are blurred. I will however hold to my dying breath that the worst of us are a million times better than Pat.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I have a bad temper, too, but I come to this place to laugh. It's all a joke. These forums are a joke. The podcast is a joke.
Mew's a fat Chinese. Boomia is a fat guinea canuck. I'm. fucking. my brother's. girlfriend's. daughter.
Let's have fun, share Sue Lightning jerkoff gifs, and stop being cornballs about everything.
But mostly share gifs.
That's the problem, some people don't think it's a joke and take themselves so goddamn seriously.

No one here has the right to tell others what to post about or what to say, but apparently anything that isn't approved by the forum overlords is the downfall of this place.

We are just having some fun fucking around with this alliance shit, it's all tongue in cheek.

And if people don't like what i post just block me, it's that easy.

6dgjj6 (1).jpg


That's the problem, some people don't think it's a joke and take themselves so goddamn seriously.

No one here has the right to tell others what to post about or what to say, but apparently anything that isn't approved by the forum overlords is the downfall of this place.

We are just having some fun fucking around with this alliance shit, it's all tongue in cheek.

And if people don't like what i post just block me, it's that easy.

View attachment 40790
Only some things are sacrosanct, but nothing beats when people bet on the wrong horse and put themselves in shit like me last week, despite it being for something I didn't cause. There's no need to ever explain yourself, is the lesson I learned. Imagine asking for apologies in an environment like that? We're here for the brutality at this point, with occasional funny, my trolling Pat is now a freelance bit I'll share, we aren't a team, club, friends, or a group, it's more not as fun, but far more funny this way.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Only some things are sacrosanct, but nothing beats when people bet on the wrong horse and put themselves in shit like me last week, despite it being for something I didn't cause. There's no need to ever explain yourself, is the lesson I learned. Imagine asking for apologies in an environment like that? We're here for the brutality at this point, with occasional funny, my trolling Pat is now a freelance bit I'll share, we aren't a team, club, friends, or a group, it's more not as fun, but far more funny this way.
I personally hate this fucking worthless faggot almost as much as I hate Pat.‍

is it me that keeps going back to this? They're needier than me, I'm even using my no reply bit and they keep replying, looks like until I go to get ready for where I'm going it will be all about me, and then while I'm gone it will still be all about me, and then I'll answer like 5 replies to the 100 comments and be told I don't let it go. Yep it's me.‍

Yep that's it, you do get that you Eurofags tend to lose something in translation. Hey Pim or whatever your faggot name is, do you think people like me apologize to fucking dweebs? You'd be on your knees sucking my cock to protect you in the right situation, so no, no chance lol.‍

You're pretty obsessed aren't ya bud... oh the irony... don't reply.‍


The Backbone of America
I've banged tons (heheh) of fat girls, but one of the most memorable was this big ol' Chinese from Louisiana - no Southern accent, tho! - who FUCKING howled whenever we fucked. Like Yoko Ono riding the Sybian. Her screaming was so overboard I thought she was fucking around, but apparently that was her thing.

So now whenever NPA calls Mew a fat Chinese, I remember this one and get a chuckle.
The only Asian chicks I ever fucked made the most retarded fucking obnoxious sounds during sex too. Like to the point that I want to be like "would you shut the fuck up? Christ." Never came and would literally get fucking angry at the retarded fucking whining in my ear.