subhuman hands, sorry...its giving me the jitters.I often have to turn to a video tutorial if I need help figuring out a knitting stitch or embroidery technique, etc. You're forced to look at others' hands when it comes to these kinds of tutorials.
I cannot stand it when people have either; Indian accents, shitty accents of any other kind, ugly fingernails/knobby/black hands. SORRY!
Look at this shit:
You are dreaming if you think I'm going to watch this woman walk me through a crochet tutorial with those fugly old knuckles and nasty nails.
I just want to learn from a generic white person with pleasing hands.
Also, fuck off if your intro starts with a quirky, happy, "Hi, guys!!!" and takes 3 minutes of blather before you teach me what I came to you for.