Youtube commenters (OPIE HATING ZOMBIES) need to be thrown into a volcano dick first


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
I found O&A the same year Ant got fired, and I always wondered why every single video had Opie hate on it.

That being said, he's clearly not as funny as Ant or Jim, BUT he wasn't so bad that every single video warrants a "fuck Opie that fag" comment on it. The only thing that annoys me with Opie is when he can't take a joke that was directed at him. So many examples of this. It's a fucking shame, cause if he was able to laugh at himself, the flow of the show wouldn't have been ruined, by him getting mad.

The best example of this is the bit of him hurting his neck at the beach, and the guys riffing on him for it. He actually goes with it, laughs at it too, riiiight up until a certain point where he goes "allright... alriiiight.... AAALLLRIGHTTTT!" screaming into the mic. From that point on, he couldn't laugh at himself anymore, and it got weird in the studio.

A lot of good bits came from taking calls too, and for sure Ant wouldn't have taken calls if it was 100% his show.

He was joking.


2 point vig
Whenever i see these comments i always let them know im glad theyre gone and that they’re probably burning in a lake of excrement.
Don't forget that one asshole who decides to interject a life experience . Said comment will also be 2 paragraphs and an obvious cry out for attention