You ever get undeserved ribs?

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
TBPFHWY this place doesn't hand out nearly enough car crashes

You're welcome


Fantastic Man

Look at this shit, 78 ribs and 2 cols. It’s not particularly funny (to me at least) and it’s a lazy post. “Oh haha look Javier is smiling, here’s what he’s smiling about.” Doesn’t even have any racial slurs. It’s kiwifarms level posting at best.

WWAW getting undeserved praise on shitty posts while our masterpieces only have token @Lamont & Tonelli ribs on them?
Javier was smiling- he knew. Of all the dramatic things I've ever seen!

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
Hey, I deserve those ribs! I did the kidnapping and dismemberment by myself. No one else helped, so no one else gets neat trophies.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me

Look at this shit, 78 ribs and 2 cols. It’s not particularly funny (to me at least) and it’s a lazy post. “Oh haha look Javier is smiling, here’s what he’s smiling about.” Doesn’t even have any racial slurs. It’s kiwifarms level posting at best.

WWAW getting undeserved praise on shitty posts while our masterpieces only have token @Lamont & Tonelli ribs on them?

this thread you made is already my pet peeve thread

go post in that


aka aloysius devadander abercrombie
I've made some real stinker posts that have gotten pity ribs (mostly from @BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 -- love ya)
I know how you feel, believe it or not. My dumb throwaways get more pop than the carefully crafted posts that I think are really funny.
when danny was incorrectly arguing that o&a never had a makeshift weapon turkey hunt competition, he said summat like "no one hunted turkeys in uptown manhattan", to which I replied with "I wish they did, and I wish they were hunting rat instead", which I thought was the best joke I've ever made on here, and it got one fucking rib. maybe I should've explained the joke -- HE'S A JEW!