You don't have a service dog you fucking queer, you just don't want people petting your dog


The Backbone of America
Who doesn't? Go get your own and leave people alone
I've mostly had like exceptionally great dogs that I barely had to train, so I mostly haven't had any concern with random people petting them. But when I was a young retard living in an apartment I had an Australian shepherd mix that I ended up having to give away. He loved me and my friends, he tolerated my girlfriend, and he hated all other women and children. He'd growl at women, and straight up lunge at some little kids whose faces were on the same level as his.

I had him tied up outside a store one time before the aggressive shit started getting bad and came back out to some stupid cunt trying to kiss my dog on the nose while his fucking teeth were bared. I had to kick my own dog in the head so this idiot didn't get her face ripped off. She started bitching at me about how I don't deserve a dog and she was calming him down because he was upset because I must abuse him. I went off on the bitch about how I saved her ugly fucking face and I wouldn't have had to hit my dog if she could've minded her own business. After that, he was a problem and I had to give him away to a farmer who I believe eventually shot him for attacking a kid.


How do you think they'd react if you screamed "GIT" at the dog for jumping up you instead of being friendly and petting it? Better or worse?

My dad would 100% yell at someone's service dog and I'm sure he has. He's always had super well trained golden retrievers and loved them all but has zero time or patience for any other dog.
An untrained dog is a crime against their kind. Love me a well-trained pooch but I have no time for your doofy, disobedient cur. There orta be a law.