WWAWT University of Idaho murders?



I'm kind of getting interested in this case because of how bizarre it's getting. First the cops say there's no danger to the public, then walk it back because that's obviously retarded. Then yesterday there's a story about a dog being found skinned in the area a month ago. I look for an update today and find two conflicting stories. A Fox News article that says the dog was skinned October 21st, but it's not connected. No mention of how they determined that, and something about a neighbor's dog going nuts.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-police-dog-found-skinned-head-tail-unrelated-college-students-murders[/URL]

Then it gets odd, with a local story where they say the dog was skinned years ago, but they stutter over 'months and 'years' in the video.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.khq.com/news/police-no-connection-between-skinned-dog-and-ui-murders/video_1f869f50-6a7a-11ed-b928-d72d84394323.html[/URL]

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
It stinks of " angry ex-boyfriend" type revenge killing. Like he knew his way around the house. Totally guessing since I havent really taken a deep dive into the details released.