WWAWT University of Idaho murders?


#1 Poster
Definitely sounds like rhe work of a border crossing illegal....thanks LIBTARDS
Just find the one black male living in Idaho. Case closed.
What purpose does informing the public about shit like this serve? Say you're in Florida or somewhere...what does knowing about the details of this gruesome murder going to serve you?
It's entertainment. I have no need to know about a plane in Peru hitting a firetruck as it's about to take off and it skidding along the runway in a hail of sparks and fire but am I interested in the selfie a passenger took of himself covered in the spray on foam? Yes.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Any news on this? Is the killer on the loose? It's kind of exciting because it's like Scream.
Police seem completely useless as usual. Most of these cases are solved with a tip from someone else and almost never actual police work. Even the FBI relies more on tips than on actual forensics. The forensics and DNA science are what they use in trials or for leverage to get a plea bargain.


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
Its a strange case, especially as the other residents in the house supposedly didn't hear anything. Sure its possible to kill someone quietly, even if stabbing, but four people?

I've been fascinated also by the recent arrest police made in the Delphi murder case from a few years ago. I can't wait to see/hear how they ended up at Richard Allen.
Its a strange case, especially as the other residents in the house supposedly didn't hear anything. Sure its possible to kill someone quietly, even if stabbing, but four people?

As I understand it they slept in the basement. Maybe they had been drinking too.

Either way it's fucking weird if it doesn't get resolved. With DNA, fingerprints, shoe prints, tire tracks, camera surveillance, cell triangulation, receits etc it feels like it should be impossible to get away with a big crime like this.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Its a strange case, especially as the other residents in the house supposedly didn't hear anything. Sure its possible to kill someone quietly, even if stabbing, but four people?
I was on a sports team in college and lived in our team's house for two years. You could have set me on fire after a night of drinking and I would not have moved. I have seen people passed out drunk sleep through literally anything. We took one of our friends when he was drunk, put him in a car, drove him to our practice field, and just dumped him on the field to wake up there in the morning.
I've been fascinated also by the recent arrest police made in the Delphi murder case from a few years ago. I can't wait to see/hear how they ended up at Richard Allen.
Rumor is that Richard Allen was arrested for something minor and they took routine DNA and fingerprints and started getting hits on the murders.