WWAWT home networking


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Tests such as what?

and can I plug the cable that is coming from the ONT directly into a laptop and do these tests or does it need to go through the router? If it goes through the router how do I differentiate problems with the router, vs problems with the cable from the ONT, vs problems with the ONT, vs problems with Fios?
I've only had cable and not fiber, so I'm not familiar with troubleshooting an ONT. But my guess is it's similar. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

First, go through your switch. It's a bad idea to plug a computer directly into the Internet, esp Windows.

Regarding what tests you should perform -- any speed test you can think of like those you've already tried. I would do an Internet based one, and an internal one, like moving a very large file from one computer to another. If you have something like Plex and have any 4k content try that.

If your internal tests are slow, esp wired, then that indicates old cabling.

If your internal tests are fast but the internet is slow, you can complain to your ISP and have a leg to stand on.

Unmanaged switches don't slow traffic enough to be a concern. If you really want to be thorough you can get a 5-port switch for anywhere between $20-50 usually. Most 5-port switches these days support 1GB Ethernet.


Why don't you just use equipment from FIOS then? If they are telling you they can't help you because of 3rd party hardware, use theirs.
Have you contacted Geek Squad?


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Seem to be a lot of tech fags around so maybe someone can help a brother out.

I’ve got FIOS where I live which is generally pretty good. I got a pretty good deal on a 400mbps plan but I can not ever get it above 220 or so and that’s using fast.com which is probably inflated. I’m using my own router instead of renting their shit so they basically tell me to go fuck myself if I call in for help.

the way it’s set up now the Ethernet cable comes from the box outside into my garage, where it plugs into my router, an Asus RT-AC68U. From there there are Ethernet cables that connect to jacks in several rooms of the house.

this shit was installed probably 10 years ago so could it just be degrading or something? Is there anything I can fix on my own or any other suggestions on troubleshooting I can try?

I’d like to run another cable since the bedroom we’re using as the office doesn’t have an Ethernet Jack. It’s on the 3rd floor and in the front of the house vs the back where the router is. Any idea how big of a job that is or what kind of contractor you would even call to do it?
I worked for FiOS for years before COVID. 200 shouldn't be an issue for you as far as lag goes, I have less than 100 speed (i refuse to upgrade and pay for routers and fees) and I have 15 devices and don't lag at all, 2 PCs are hardwired though. However you should be getting the speed you're paying for. Your router could be dying, I suggest getting theirs as a rental, install it and see what your speeds are. If it's 400 you know you have a bad router, if it's not, then you can tell them to fucking fix their shit, since you're renting their router now. Once they fix the issue return the rental and use your own


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
With the weekly windows 10 updates, I've had to have my OS reinstalled TWICE due to compatibility issues. Now, $200 geek squad dollars later, I've eliminated that mess but I get this pop-up scam, when I take the computer out of sleep mode, that has a window that won't close and audio of some limey twunt telling me that my computer's been infected by a virus from a malicious porn site and that I need to call the number on the screen because all of my personal info including Passwords for banking, social media sites, credit cards, etc... etc... have been compromised.

Most asshats would shit themselves hearing this blaring from their computer speakers, as the very official looking screen blinks an 1-888 number and implores you to call it to work with their "windows professionals" to eliminate this infection.

If this happens to you, do the following:

Hold Control, alt, delete simultaneously.

Choose "task manager" from the resulting menu, and close your browser.

It disappears. I'm not sure if it'll happen again, but for Christ's sake... DON'T call the number and play ball with these mongrel terrorists. The only infection your computer has is some fucker slipped in that pop up in the form of a familiar email with a link you (and I) mistakenly clicked.

Go to "remove program" in your control panel and look for one of these. Delete it, problem solved. THANKS FOR YOUR USELESS SECURITY UPDATES WINDOWS 10!!!!!!


Why don't you just use equipment from FIOS then? If they are telling you they can't help you because of 3rd party hardware, use theirs.
Because why would I pay those Jews $15-$20 a month when the shit I have should work fine.


I worked for FiOS for years before COVID. 200 shouldn't be an issue for you as far as lag goes, I have less than 100 speed (i refuse to upgrade and pay for routers and fees) and I have 15 devices and don't lag at all, 2 PCs are hardwired though. However you should be getting the speed you're paying for. Your router could be dying, I suggest getting theirs as a rental, install it and see what your speeds are. If it's 400 you know you have a bad router, if it's not, then you can tell them to fucking fix their shit, since you're renting their router now. Once they fix the issue return the rental and use your own
That’s not a bad idea


With the weekly windows 10 updates, I've had to have my OS reinstalled TWICE due to compatibility issues. Now, $200 geek squad dollars later, I've eliminated that mess but I get this pop-up scam, when I take the computer out of sleep mode, that has a window that won't close and audio of some limey twunt telling me that my computer's been infected by a virus from a malicious porn site and that I need to call the number on the screen because all of my personal info including Passwords for banking, social media sites, credit cards, etc... etc... have been compromised.

Most asshats would shit themselves hearing this blaring from their computer speakers, as the very official looking screen blinks an 1-888 number and implores you to call it to work with their "windows professionals" to eliminate this infection.

If this happens to you, do the following:

Hold Control, alt, delete simultaneously.

Choose "task manager" from the resulting menu, and close your browser.

It disappears. I'm not sure if it'll happen again, but for Christ's sake... DON'T call the number and play ball with these mongrel terrorists. The only infection your computer has is some fucker slipped in that pop up in the form of a familiar email with a link you (and I) mistakenly clicked.

Go to "remove program" in your control panel and look for one of these. Delete it, problem solved. THANKS FOR YOUR USELESS SECURITY UPDATES WINDOWS 10!!!!!!
Sir, this is a serious matter


Because why would I pay those Jews $15-$20 a month when the shit I have should work fine.

I mean they're literally telling you it isn't going to be fully compatible / optimal experience with third party router.

Your choices are save a measly 15 dollars a month and get half the speed you pay for, or swallow the fee using the equipment that works.
You're getting fucked either way.


I mean they're literally telling you it isn't going to be fully compatible / optimal experience with third party router.

Your choices are save a measly 15 dollars a month and get half the speed you pay for, or swallow the fee using the equipment that works.
You're getting fucked either way.
That isn’t true though, there is no reason it shouldn’t work, they just tell you that because they want the money. I’ve done it at other places and it has worked fine and plenty of others have done it too. I know it can be fixed.


That isn’t true though, there is no reason it shouldn’t work, they just tell you that because they want the money. I’ve done it at other places and it has worked fine and plenty of others have done it too. I know it can be fixed.

Okay know it all, did you speak to a representative with that mouth?